Missing for 6 weeks: Patient found dead
Two investigations are under way into the suspected suicide of a mental health patient who had fled a psychiatric hospital and was missing for weeks.
Two investigations are under way into the suspected suicide of a mental health patient who had fled a psychiatric hospital and was missing for weeks.
New food safety laws are forcing childcare centres to stop providing food for kids, or increase fees, the Early Childhood Council says.
COMMENT: Geoffrey Palmer and Andrew Butler reply to concerns written document would be ponderous undertaking.
Kiwi claimants are pressing on with their bid to have a hip maker punished.
A raft of changes to safety rules for swimming pools will save lives, the Government says - but some are not convinced.
The cost of medicinal cannabis is set to tumble after Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne approved a Canadian pain relief product.
COMMENT: Australia has cleared the way for medical cannabis to be grown and distributed and it must only be a matter of time before NZ do the same.
Having the choice was what mattered to Lecretia.
Telecommunications companies are concerned about a proposal which will allow companies to volunteer suspicious information about their customers to spying agencies.
Watch NZH Focus: The days of Kiwis heading to the UK could be numbered as the British Government announces a crack-down on visas for students and skilled workers.
As a gang member held a knife to his throat, Jarrod Gilbert wondered if he was about to die.
Teachers are demanding to know if they risk police charges for physically separating school fights or defending themselves when students attack.
The release of seclusion and restraint guidelines to teachers faced with violent and extreme situations has been delayed due to legal problems.
The news that teachers fear legal action for stopping school fights underlines what a hard job school teaching must be.
More than $435 million worth of property, cars, cash and other assets has been frozen in New Zealand under a contentious law used
By Shauni Jamesshauni.james@dailypost.co.nz / Circle_see_more_DP.eps / CATS: Katie Hickey, pictured with her cat Bugsy, thinks cats
COMMENT: The Care Alliance are essentially saying they know what is best for this patient. That staggering arrogance is the real crime.
COMMENT: The rewrite of the Social Security Act is a good time to abolish the sanctions altogether.
COMMENT: Although it may be an improvement on earlier legislation governing spying the bill still contains many flaws.
Education Minister Hekia Parata is eager to promote change in New Zealand schools.
COMMENT: The deeper I delve into the issue, however, the more I am struck by just how frightening the consequences of prohibition are.
The GCSB will be able to spy on Kiwis on "national security" grounds but the definition of "national security" is yet to be decided.
A stand-alone ministry that will replace Child, Youth and Family has been officially named as the Ministry for Vulnerable Children.
The Prime Minister is unmoved by a poll for the Drug Foundation showing most New Zealanders now support legalising, or at least decriminalising, cannabis.
COMMENT: Latest poll suggests more Kiwis favour legalising cannabis use, rather than just decriminalising it. Why don't our politicians get the message?
EXCLUSIVE: A new poll ahead of a review of the law around possession of cannabis for personal use suggests there is public appetite for reform.
COMMENT: It's time citizens demanded protection for the fundamental right to know, which is being routinely eroded.
A loophole has left Medical Council powerless to immediately suspend a doctor, even if doctor is under investigation for sexual misconduct or convicted.
More than 12,000 Kiwis have repeatedly breached court orders to stay away from their victims - with one person convicted for doing so 14 times.
A Treasury official suggested the Government could save more than $500 million a year legalising the popular drug.