Ngarewa-Packer's Members' Bill seeks to ban seabed mining
Mining company Trans-Tasman Resources says it is strongly opposed to the Bill.
Mining company Trans-Tasman Resources says it is strongly opposed to the Bill.
Minister for Women Jan Tinetti says the bill will pass into law this year.
Act and Greens back National members' bill, but Labour flags changes after first reading.
Posting an intimate image or video without consent is on track to become illegal.
The 501 deportees are of particular concern, says the Police Association.
The legislation change shows the Governments intention to encourage more Māori wards.
Legislation failed to ensure "physical, health and behavioural needs" of animals are met.
Efforts to help employees could force businesses to reconsider their labour requirements.
The Government is replacing the RMA with three new Acts this parliamentary term.
Further delays in the Megaupload case as Dotcom and US seek the path of extra appeals.
The Greens claim the move is due to their 150,000-strong petition.
Large supermarkets open during all alert levels support mandatory QR code scanning.
Everyone cheered the RMA's demise but will new laws be at the mercy of political conflict?
Simon Bridges says the bill is an extension of cancel culture.
David Parker says there is no silver bullet to addressing the housing crisis.
The Greens' Elizabeth Kerekere announced her member's bill.
Business groups don't like the RMA but say its replacement process shouldn't be rushed.
Legislation is under urgency to do away with a public veto on Māori wards.
Legislative changes are afoot in a variety of areas that affect our finances.
Couples spoken to by the Herald say the law is preventing some from having children.
Alarming reports of drug reactions at New Year festivals
COMMENT: To celebrate the New Year, let's look at some of the law changes in 2020.
Trump had lashed out at GOP lawmakers on Twitter, calling them 'weak'.
"These orders have not been effective in overseas jurisdictions," says leading judge.
A Google executive says the law would "fundamentally break how search engines work".
Māori call for law change and a fairer democracy. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
New rules aim to control the dumping of spam mail and waste from large public events.
Government needs to work on drug law reform, the Drug Foundation says.
To the victims and survivors of the terror attack, Ardern today said: 'Assalamu alaikum'
OPINION: Despite the best intentions, since reforms were made, gun violence has worsened.