Joe Biden signs bill making lynching a federal hate crime
It comes more than 100 years after such legislation was first proposed.
It comes more than 100 years after such legislation was first proposed.
Unvaccinated children over 5 and three months can't do the Parliament school tours.
Kiwi teen suffered a seizure when attempting 'blackout' due to social media trend.
Government considers forcing companies to publish pay data and put salaries in job ads.
Positive move that will help the fight against domestic corruption, money laundering etc.
Court refuses discharge for Whangarei man who spoke indecently to a young house guest
Law allows Govt to 'step up our response to Russia's grave, unprovoked war'.
Coroner investigates gun access after Northland property inspectors were shot by tenant.
Three Waters recommendations underwhelm mayors.
ANALYSIS: The Russia Sanctions Bill will allow additional sanctions against Russia.
More than 1.5 million people have been forced to flee Ukraine since Russia's invasion.
The adman's Three Waters strategy that the Government won't put a price on.
3 waters feedback going to the minister on Monday seems unlikely to sway the government.
Banks sent blunt warning that new lending laws would make banks more conservative.
The Government looks set to pass a law specifically targeting Russia over its invasion.
Dr Kim McGregor: "If adults need support, children and young people need that even more."
ANALYSIS: The situation is legally and logistically complex.
OPINION: Surprising there have not been more fines or consequences given all the breaches.
The bill passed with 112 voting in favour and eight National MPs opposed.
She looked into the eyes of Ahamed Samsudeen as he stabbed her, and saw nothing.
OPINION: Grant Robertson forging ahead with a massive expansion of the social safety net.
National was initially the only party to oppose the bill.
"Gangs and other violent criminals cannot continue to threaten, intimidate, and exploit."
Shareholders avoided as much as $400m in tax by getting $9.4 billion in dividends in 2021.
Fight for mother's name on birth certificate now a private bill before Parliament.
New Mexico taxpayers have invested millions, now they want space tourists to pay.
Minister orders inquiry into whether banks have overreacted to the new lending rules.
A select committee wants big business to lift the lid on its pay gaps.
It comes as festival-goers spend their first summer under a law change.
The current succession law is outdated.