Ron Paterson: Mixing law and medicine
Former Ombudsman leading inquiry into lawyers' regulation "not beholden" to profession.
Former Ombudsman leading inquiry into lawyers' regulation "not beholden" to profession.
Opinion: New mums, high-profile scientists, gutsy workers among the year's winners.
The top five columns of the year from senior family lawyer Jeremy Sutton.
Opinion: Will a move to more transparency be a gift to the legal profession?
Wayne Revell said he had let himself and the profession down, but wanted to keep working.
Top lawyer says the profession's complaints system is 'broken'.
Lawyer Hierophantic Human claimed the Law Society was biased against him.
A settlement of this kind is only permitted on certain terms.
Committee finds lawyer's actions 'risked damaging the reputation of the legal profession'.
A lawyer's conversation with a juror's colleague breached conduct and client care rules.
'Disrespectful and inflammatory' is how the lawyer's behaviour has been described.
Some amazing comments in Law Society fracas, but why won't the full review be released?
Global firm's scandal 'symptomatic of industry in transition from old standards to new'.
Debates are raging over being a republic, the public holiday and the role of the royals.
Some firms claim they pay a living wage but they're not accredited. Does it matter?
Have we reached a point of law-saga fatigue?
A dispute takes on average 13 months to resolve in the Family Court.
Court had reservations about a tribunal's reliance on the 'laddish culture'.
His appeal was dismissed in the High Court.
OPINION: Criminal barrister responds to being called 'an utter piece of s***'.
A $17 million dollar winner ended up in legal dispute with a woman over two properties.
And what about my large social media following?
Lawyer fined after another enduring power of attorney stole money, asset from donor.
A review is being undertaken seven years after the Russell McVeagh incidents.
Covid-19 has strained many family relationships over the past two years.
OPINION: There have been moves to raise the minimum wage for prisoners.
OPINION: International travel decisions must be made jointly between a child's guardians.
Lawyer censured and fined after costly litigation for friends and neighbours.
The case became fundamental to starting New Zealand's #MeToo movement.