Latest fromLaw Commission

Editorial: It's a matter of life and death
It is in the natural order of things for every generation of parents to lament that their children behave more badly than they did when they were growing up.

Kronic use to be curtailed: Govt
A planned crackdown on "cannabinoid" substances will severely curtail the use of controversial synthetic cannabis product Kronic, Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne says.

Family trust funds under siege
Are family trusts still a safe haven for assets and income?

Synthetic drug easy for kids to buy
15-year-old gets cannabis substitute 'as easily as an icecream' from dairy near city schools.

<i>Damien Grant:</i> Trusts industry a costly sham
Lawyers sell trusts for the same reason McDonald's sells fries.

Review proposes drug law overhaul
Associate health minister Peter Dunne has welcomed the report, saying the Misuse of Drugs Act is outdated, deficient and needs changing - but the Govt will need time to consider its recommendations.

'Weak' NZ terror laws worried US
A leaked diplomatic cable shows the US was deeply concerned with "inherent weaknesses" in NZ's terror laws.

Criminal justice system changes criticised
The Human Rights Commission says saving money should not be the reason defendants lose their right to a trial by jury.

Simon Power leaving Parliament
Cabinet Minister Simon Power is retiring from politics in November to return to the private sector.

Legal eagles examine 'status symbol' family trusts
The Law Commission is taking aim at New Zealanders' widespread use of family trusts.

Politicians rally behind move to hand over perks
A handover of control of allowances and expenses to the Remuneration Authority has broad support across Parliament.

PM acts after criticism of MPs' control of perks
John Key is giving an independent body more control over setting MPs' perks after a call for an end to MPs having control over their own entitlements.

<i>Geoff Cumming</i>: You can't hide from prying eyes
State agencies will gain fresh powers to snoop and search under a sweeping law change,

Opposition's voice heard on liquor bill
The Government's liquor law bill passed its first reading yesterday amid strident criticism from Opposition MPs.