Latest fromLandcare Research Ltd

Dead, washed up rats to be sent for toxicology testing
The theory that it was 1080 is highly unlikely, a DOC manager says.

Local Focus: 1080 debate rages on
1080 protesters invade the "Whanganui Chronicle" office. Made with funding from NZ on Air.

Tensions as council mulls future of popular Waitākere Ranges
Proposal to keep much of the regional park closed - but not everyone agrees.

What gives manuka honey its magic ingredient?
Scientists suspect microbes might be responsible for lucrative manuka honey's X-factor.

DoC looks into claim 1080 dropped on people
DoC investigating claims that a helicopter pilot dropped 1080 on people.

One-two 1080 punch promising weapon in war on pests
Scientists have found promise in a new pest-busting approach in a one-two punch of 1080.

Why garden birds are our 'backyard barometers'
A new report is good news for the greenfinch - but worrying for the tiny waxeye.

What early Māori can teach us about NZ's paradise lost
The tragic decline of NZ's native species was apparent even to our earliest settlers.

Can NZ really kill every rat, possum and stoat?
Nearly two years into the war, are we any closer to being rid of predators by 2050?

Scientists make their own moa gut to quash big theory
Scientists simulate the moa's gut to cast doubt on key assumption about the extinct bird.

Waimarino iwi launch trust, propose sanctuary
Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little told of iwi's situation and aspirations.

Attack squad of weevils released
World first horsetail weed control with weevils. Made with funding from NZ On Air.

Myrtle rust found for first time on DOC land
Fungus can adversely affect myrtle species, including pohutukawa, manuka and kanuka.

Ancient NZ reconstructed - with moa poo
Secrets hidden in ancient moa droppings give clues to the birds' feeding habits.

Beetle blamed for boy's weird blisters
A friend's Facebook post solved the mystery that doctors couldn't explain.

50 questions about the environment: Our nature
Dr Andrea Byrom says things aren't looking good for our prized native plants and animals.

Science Made Simple: Alex James on complex systems
In our Science Made Simple series, we talk to mathematical modeller Dr Alex James.

Kauri-killer may have been here for centuries
An unstoppable kauri-killing disease may have been lurking here for centuries.

Conservation minister baulks at GM rats
NZ islands eyed for US-funded field trials using GM rodents.

The possibility, threat and science behind gene drive tech
The science of gene drives - what they are and what they can do.

US military money eyes up Kiwi islands for tests
US military money has come with researchers wanting to kill Kiwi rats using gene tech.