Latest fromLand Transport NZ

Police move to stop bad tourist drivers
Police have resorted to phoning rental companies to remove unsafe tourist drivers from the road.

Editorial: Nation needs something more spicy than roads
Editorial: Looking for an electoral gift to unwrap at the National Party conference last weekend, the Government issued a hardly inspiring programme of roadworks.

Driving skills sharpened up
Fifty youngsters took to the track at Hampton Downs Motorsport Park in Waikato to test-drive a road-safety course which aims to teach vital skills.

Labour's truck ban plan
Labour admits its new transport policies - scrapping trucks from fast lanes and motorhome rego fees - are 'small', while the Transport Minister labelled them a 'joke'.

Gas leak shuts part of State Highway One
A section of the country's main highway has been shut down due to a gas leak in Hamilton.

Crash survivor: Police wrong over ad
An innocent victim who survived a crash featured in a new road safety campaign says police have misled people and unfairly blamed a truck driver involved.

Motorsport fans listen to warning
Motoring enthusiasts have toned it down away from the track after a police promise to come down hard on speeding and drunk drivers.

Cannabis drivers told to wise up
A new ad campaign is targeting "sensible stoners" who falsely believe smoking cannabis makes them more focused behind the wheel.

How too-fast cops beat fines
Herald exclusive: Only half the penalties for speeding police cars have been paid since 2008.

Practical test for restricted licences to get tougher
The practical test for a restricted driving licence is about to get a lot harder.