Police move to stop bad tourist drivers
Police have resorted to phoning rental companies to remove unsafe tourist drivers from the road.
Police have resorted to phoning rental companies to remove unsafe tourist drivers from the road.
Editorial: Looking for an electoral gift to unwrap at the National Party conference last weekend, the Government issued a hardly inspiring programme of roadworks.
Fifty youngsters took to the track at Hampton Downs Motorsport Park in Waikato to test-drive a road-safety course which aims to teach vital skills.
Labour admits its new transport policies - scrapping trucks from fast lanes and motorhome rego fees - are 'small', while the Transport Minister labelled them a 'joke'.
A section of the country's main highway has been shut down due to a gas leak in Hamilton.
An innocent victim who survived a crash featured in a new road safety campaign says police have misled people and unfairly blamed a truck driver involved.
Motoring enthusiasts have toned it down away from the track after a police promise to come down hard on speeding and drunk drivers.
A new ad campaign is targeting "sensible stoners" who falsely believe smoking cannabis makes them more focused behind the wheel.
Claustrophobia, deafness, and having an abnormally large head are among the reasons cyclists have been excused from wearing a helmet.
Herald exclusive: Only half the penalties for speeding police cars have been paid since 2008.
The practical test for a restricted driving licence is about to get a lot harder.
The date for a new give-way rule change to come into force was pushed forward because of concern motorists...