A drive with Chris Hipkins: Polls, a pie and the problem with National's hoardings
Chris Hipkins takes us for a drive and insists his party isn't stuck on a red light.
Chris Hipkins takes us for a drive and insists his party isn't stuck on a red light.
OPINION: For the first time in a long time, Luxon looked like the first-term MP he is.
Uncertainty looms over the largest shake-up of our science system in three decades.
Leader Chris Hipkins launched the plan at an energised campaign rally in Christchurch.
Porkies aren’t a surprise in politics. But generally parties are a bit smarter than this.
Opinion: Good jobs and good wages get people ahead, not the occasional tax cut.
Labour was savaged in several polls this week.
It's been easy to depict Labour as desperate this week - because it has looked it.
Plus, National's new literacy policy tackles the "reading wars".
OPINION: Labour and National are sinking, so how about Seymour or Shaw for PM?
OPINION: The data show these steps make sense.
Support for Labour has dipped to 30 per cent in the latest political poll.
Chris Hipkins made a new law and order policy announcement in Hamilton today.
'This purchase shouldn’t have been agreed to when the election is next month.'
There were so many laughs, you could almost forget the dramatic backdrop to this campaign.
Luxon insists tax and legal advice backs foreign buyer policy.
OPINION: Let’s celebrate and support those who step up to serve.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
National says the figures are representative of a system "that has got the balance wrong".
National called the ad "nasty". PM Hipkins says response is "thin-skinned".
National called the Council of Trade Unions ad 'disgraceful'.
OPINION: Christopher Luxon talks a big numbers game but the reality is very different.
Hipkins brought with him examples of how Labour personnel had been targeted in ads.
The Prime Minister has suggested the move would add another layer of bureaucracy.
National and Labour launched their campaigns at the weekend, with hecklers out in force.
The leaders didn't hold back as they led their parties' campaign launches.
OPINION: Luxon and Hipkins both did what they had to: convince voters they have a shot.
OPINION: Our editorial on the campaign launches that fired up the parties' activists.
OPINION: Nicola Willis gives a big clue about tax rules.
National campaign launch is on the radar of Freedoms NZ supporters.