Latest FromKiwiSaver

KiwiSaver Series Part Three

KiwiSaver Series Part Three

Nearly half of all New Zealanders are now paying into KiwiSaver but many people are still wondering what is actually happening to the money they put in. Join us for Part Three in our beginner's guide to KiwiSaver. Five years since it kicked off, KiwiSaver is still a mystery to many New Zealanders and we decided to provide a simple guide which covers the nuts and bolts. Experts Mary Holm and Chris Douglas tackle all the basic questions in a way which is easy to understand and jargon-free.

KiwiSaver Series Part Four

KiwiSaver Series Part Four

With nearly two million members and $12.8 billion invested in KiwiSaver, is launching a four-part video series about the retirement savings scheme. Join us for Part Four in our beginners guide to KiwiSaver.

KiwiSaver Series Part Two

KiwiSaver Series Part Two

Nearly half of all New Zealanders are now paying into KiwiSaver but many people are still wondering what it's all about and what is actually happening to the money they are putting in. Today, we're releasing the second video in our four-part series about KiwiSaver, with experts Mary Holm and Chris Douglas tackling the questions.

KiwiSaver Series Part One

KiwiSaver Series Part One

With nearly two million members and $12.8 billion invested in KiwiSaver, is launching a four-part video series about the retirement savings scheme. Five years since it kicked off, KiwiSaver is still a mystery to many New Zealanders and we decided to provide a simple guide which covers the nuts and bolts. Experts Mary Holm and Chris Douglas tackle all the basic questions in a way which is easy to understand and jargon-free.