NZ mall's $39m dining hall
The Brickworks opened at West Auckland's LynnMall, with renowned chef Ray McVinnie ringing a brass lunch bell to mark the occasion.
The Brickworks opened at West Auckland's LynnMall, with renowned chef Ray McVinnie ringing a brass lunch bell to mark the occasion.
Flagship Auckland mall has just been chosen as new location of New Zealand's first H&M.
Chain known for its affordable fashion and celebrity designers.
Kiwi Property Group, has paid $82.5m for the Westgate retail centre in Auckland being developed by New Zealand Retail Property Group.
A lack of shops in Auckland's growing and affluent north west is behind the push to build a big new mall.
Kiwi Property Group's annual earnings increased 4.5 per cent as it seeks to raise $151.9 million to expand Sylvia Park.
West Auckland is about to get a huge boost, after a big landlord this morning announced a $36 million expansion and upgrade of New Lynn's LynnMall shopping centre.
Two of New Zealand’s biggest commercial and industrial landlords have this morning reported half-year results down on last year.
Institutional investors are praising the annual result of Kiwi Income Property Trust, saying it reflects the management shakeup which saw the exit of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
New Zealand shares fell yesterday as the market joined a region-wide decline, and was paced by retailers after the Warehouse Group joined Hallenstein Glassons in issuing a profit warning.
An 8.6 per cent stake in giant listed landlord and Sylvia Park owner Kiwi Income Property Trust is now in play.
This year is shaping up to be a very busy one for new sharemarket listings...
A health authority has taken charge of an Auckland rest home after planning and management failings amounting to "evidence of neglect".
Kiwi Income Property Trust has posted a healthy profit in the year to March after reporting a bottom line loss in the previous year.
In an exclusive interview, the book and stationery chain's new owners tell Karyn Scherer about their plans for one of the best-known names in NZ retailing.