Massive listed landlord increases bottom-line profit by 205%
Sylvia Park, LynnMall to get hundreds of new apartments: consenting underway
Sylvia Park, LynnMall to get hundreds of new apartments: consenting underway
Vaccinations cited as one of the reasons for more positivity.
'So as long as the sun is shining and there are no Zoom calls, I'll be happy'.
Advice from someone who shops for living - and spends five days a week at the mall.
$3.2b landlord's first-half result out.
"As soon as you do this, you become the kaitiaki of these values." - Temuera Hall.
The expansion will add an extra 2ha of indoor floor area and 57 new shops.
The new precinct will add an additional 60 shops to the country's largest mall.
Sharing economy drives appetite for more rental housing, says Chris Key, Greystar.
Why residential tenancy interests NZ's biggest listed property company.
Dividend suspension lifted as people visiting its shopping centres returns to normal.
Covid-19 has opened up a yawning chasm between Kiwi Property shares and Goodman Property.
Kiwi Property revalues portfolio
We look at what is and won't be open for business from today.
The app can tell mall security how many people there are per square metre.
"Uncertain environment is likely to continue" - Kiwi CEO
This one key move might help many businesses stay afloat.
What rent liability for tenants barred from entering premises?
The company's profit dropped 24 per cent.
Jarden analysed the listed real estate sector.
Despite property's high profile, many on this list like to stay under the radar.
Kiwi outlines expansion plans in $200m offer investor presentation
Kiwi advancing Homestead Park plans at Drury
Extra $35m spent at Sylvia Park: $223m project becomes $258m
Crane's unusual angle sparks reaction, but landlord explains there are no issues.
IKEA might trial smaller-format store for NZ debut.
Kiwi Property chief Clive Mackenzie wants to solve NZ's housing crisis.
Sylvia Park's owner pays $25m for a nearby site.
Rental income has, however, dropped due to asset sales.