Latest fromKerikeri

It's another barrier: Reducing wait times for driver's licence tests welcomed
Northlanders welcome the Government's move to cut wait times for driver's licence tests.

Police crash investigator retires after 43 years
Sport is what helped him pass the police fitness tests regularly.

Charities face rising demand from pensioners as living costs hit home
'Like most elderly, I don’t want to feel like I’m a burden to anyone.'

Cold North - region suffers chilliest day of year - so far
Chilly winter morning for Northland is 6C below norm

'Waste of ratepayer money': Council 'seeking advice' after forging ahead with speed limit reductions
Far North District Council reduced speeds on 300 roads. Now it might have to reverse them.

News briefs from the Far North - 42 tsunami sirens, seal silly season and food security
News snippets from the Far North

Anzac Day is muse for Far North mouth painter Kevin Griffiths
'I’ve always loved poppies because of the association with Anzac Day.'

Too much! It's raining wild cats and kittens in Far North pensioner's garden
50 wild cats too much for Far North pensioner in council flat

Heroes, bigots, football and rugby - Chase star Shaun Wallace ahead of his Kerikeri show
The Dark Destroyer might even come face-to-face with the Egg Cups.

Far North's Got Talent final highlights district's fabulous youth
Youth show their skills at Far North's Got Talent final.

Dry July: Far North couple who went through cancer journeys at same time speak in support
Far North cancer survivors Steve and Valerie Smith are getting behind Dry July.

Still no Sweetwater for Kaitāia as project is believed to top $20m
Costs of Kaitāia's new water source soar, but no water yet.

News briefs from the Far North - truck leaves highway, filmmaking workshops and power compo
New snippets from the Far North.

Far North could be best place to see Matariki stars this week
Matariki star system visible from Far North this week

Big slip won't stop Mangamuka Gorge reopening by Christmas - NZTA
New large slip won't stop SH1 over gorge reopening by Christmas.

IPCA reviewing firearm incident after shot fired, wanted man injured in fall
Investigations are under way into a Far North incident in which police fired a shot.

NRC cracks down on defiant firelighter
A Northland council has been granted a court order to stop a resident lighting fires.

Kaitāia Primary School could have longest running education site in the country
190 years of education at Kaitāia Primary site recognised

Big Shout Out to Far North's army of volunteers
Volunteers from the Far North honoured for National Volunteer Week

Garden bird survey: How you can take part
Pull up a chair and spend an hour in your backyard counting birds.

'I’m just one of the boys': Northland woman leading the way in a man's world
'I was gobsmacked. I haven’t won anything in my whole entire life.'

Special part of the motu: Northlanders urged to get into the spirit of Matariki
What's on in Northland during this year's Matariki celebrations.

Far North areas worst hit by heavy rain, orange warning lifted for Northland
Some risk still exists: 'We’ll definitely be keeping a really close eye on it.'

$150k spent clearing illegal dump sites could pay for community infrastructure instead
Fly-tipping is a problem the district council is struggling to deal with.

News briefs from the Far North - light festival returns, laughs on tour and Far North's Got talent final
News snippets from the Far North.

SH10 roadworks in Far North should end farmer's safety concerns
Far North farmer delighted highway work finally under way on dangerous surface.

Bridge vs truck: Whangārei structure hit by vehicle yet again
The Rust Avenue bridge has been struck 15 times since 2004.

Hundreds of spaces in Northland for National Volunteer Week
Far North volunteers say helping others brings great rewards.

News briefs from the Far North - Manu Masters to make splash, dog vaccinations and Laughs on Tour
News snippets from the Far North.