Latest fromKawerau

Councillor braces for more anti-Māori rhetoric
Toni Boynton believes rhetoric will increase as Māori ward referendum approaches.

'Mighty dream': Bid to build cancer lodge near hospital hits hurdles
Some people 'compromising' on cancer fight due to costs, logistics of getting to Tauranga.

Mayors 'cautiously optimistic' about keeping mills from closing
The Government has invited the mayors to work with WPI on possible solutions.

Shane Te Pou: Tax cuts mean nothing when you've lost your job
OPINION: Persistent unemployment among young people causes life-time issues.

Double gold star: Firefighter Pinky’s 50 years of service honoured
Tauranga man Robert Pinkerton has done 50 years in the fire service.

Jones opens new road in Kawerau, community centre in Kaingaroa
Visit comes as Kaingaroa regains access to clean running water after four days without.

Shane Te Pou: Where to next for Tauranga - a developers' dream or a city for everyone?
OPINION: The first time I ever got called a 'black bastard' was in a pub in Tauranga.

$20m project: NZ paper mill switches from gas to geothermal steam
Mill decarbonisation 'equivalent to removing over 2200 cars from the road'.

'I did not do that, sir': Five cousins say man sexually abused them, including after church
One aunty said when she was told of the alleged abuse, she read Bible verses to the man.

'Struggling': Poverty worst in 60 years says school principal
"We were poor. We didn’t have anything, but we were never poverty-stricken."

Planned $300m fossil-free fuel plant will employ 100 workers
Australian-listed company Foresta has announced the signing of a 30-year lease.

'Tell me I'm your boyfriend': Teen woke to armed mobster in her bedroom
Anthony Pearce, who also stabbed a man in the neck, has argued against his sentence.

Who is behind the up to $1 billion in claims against Norske Skog's Tasman mill?
The now-shuttered mill had faced environmental complaints going back decades.

Norske Skog facing billion-dollar claim linked to Kawerau mill
A landfill site long used by a Tasman mill is subject to a half-dozen claims.

'Flak' and 'shenanigans': Truckie tells how she fought her way to the top
It was a bumpy road but now she's in the 'best job ever'.

Meet the 'skaterboy' from Kawerau who paints superheroes around the world
Kiwi artist who paints life-like portraits on buildings around the world.

Arson attack at a Kawerau school under investigation
A Kawerau school's playground fire is being treated as an arson.

The town that has had a ‘gutsful’ of New Zealand’s biggest worm farm
A Kawerau resident describes the smell wafting over the town as 'pungent, raw sewage'.

Close call for three swimmers rescued from Queenstown river by police
They entered the river and were immediately caught in danger.

Party like the public service: What councils did for Christmas
Some opted for a Kiwi classic.