Latest fromKaipara District

Ambulance staff hired out for private events
St John says it's providing appropriate care despite paramedic shortage.

Vegan Māori challenges dismal health stats
Keynote speaker at Vegan Expo concerned about Māori health outcomes, writes Peter Shand.

Mum's run a triumph over depression
'I thought I was a monster and I wasn't cut out to have children.'

Man who shot at police fails to get lengthy sentence quashed
Joshua Kite's bid to have sentence overturned fails.

Oil spill but Marsden Pt refinery sucks it up
An absorbent boom was used to soak up an oil leak from a faulty Refining NZ fuel line.

NZ Warriors to take on West Tigers in Whangārei in March
NZ Warriors to take on West Tigers in Whangārei in March

Environmental group jubilant as Supreme Court deems swamp kauri export illegal
The Northland Environmental Protection Society is celebrating the Supreme Court ruling.

Thousands start voting on new Ngāpuhi Treaty negotiations plan
Thousands start voting on new Ngāpuhi Treaty negotiations plan.

Mangawhai rates rebels lose second appeal
The Court of Appeal has ruled the Mangawhai residents were not allowed to withhold rates.

Public Service award for DoC ranger Scott Theobald
Public Service award for DoC ranger Scott Theobald

Meningococcal strain kills 3 in Northland, 6 in whole of NZ
Northland's high number of meningococcus deaths leads to health authority's warning.

Warehouse robber tells judge he wants to turn life around
Northland man jailed for aggravated robbery of The Warehouse in Dargaville.

First chick for kiwi moved to Pukenui Forest
First kiwi chick has hatched in the Pukenui Forest on Whangārei city's western flank.

Whangārei man gets home detention for importing meth
Whangārei man escapes prison sentence because of mental impairment.

Fatal crash brings North road toll to 27
Fatal head-on crash on gravel road near Kaiwaka brings Northland road toll to 27.

First fairy terns eggs of season laid
DoC rangers surprised one of New Zealand's rarest birds has laid eggs in October.

Baylys Beach shark attack: Surfers back in the water, less than a day on
Surfers were back on the water a day after a great white shark attack at Baylys Beach.

Plans for Tegel chicken farm near Dargaville scrapped
Animal activists delighted the plans for the farm has been scrapped.

Northland news in brief: Ngāpuhi factions come together and new community board rep
News snippets from across Northland

Man appeals murder conviction and sentence
Karen Edwards lives in fear her daughter's killer will be released after appeal lodged.

Cows electrocuted by falling power lines
Eleven dairy cows were electrocuted when lines fell at a Dargaville farm.

Brynderwyn barriers saving lives - NZTA
Barriers have prevented dozens of serious crashes since they were installed.

Search for whale tangled in rope called off for the day
Rope around the whale's head means it is not able to move freely, though it can breathe.

Protests as DoC prepares for 1080 drop
Protests against the use of 1080 poison will be held in several Northland towns tomorrow.

Rescuers on way to help whale tangled in rope in Bay of Islands
Rescuers are on the way to help humpback whale tangled in rope in Bay of Islands.

Northland's Mycoplasma bovis-infected farm confirmed as east of Dargaville
Northland's Mycoplasma bovis-infected farm confirmed as east of Dargaville.

About 250 people at M.bovis meeting in Dargaville
About 250 people at M.bovis meeting in Dargaville

Driver critically hurt in Dargaville crash
Driver suffers two suspected broken legs when car hits power pole in Dargaville.

Oi chick creates milestone on island
First oi/grey-faced petrel chick hatches on Matakohe-Limestone Island on Father's Day.