Liam Ratana: Meaningful learning is vital to the transfer and retention of knowledge for Māori
Whose understanding of Aotearoa history will be taught?
Whose understanding of Aotearoa history will be taught?
'One week for Te reo Māori in 2021 for the whole country, seems outmoded, quaint even'.
Te Rawhitiroa says his life would be 'pretty vanilla' if te reo Māori wasn't a part of it.
Listen to kupu/words and phrases used in the context of the media or an event.
A tour led by the living descendents of historical local figures.
'I've been waiting a really long time to share this with you.'
The Hollywood star was gifted the mask by the Māori Language Commission.
"I have always had a work ethic and been prepared to make sacrifices."
Papa Hone uses lively Facebook messages to get support for and find those in need.
Anna Coddington has always been on a reo but said her children were the real 'catalyst'.
Living in a Pākehā community meant Paige didn't speak Māori; now she has a Māori single.
Taiao's purpose is to financially support Māori students in their whakapapa.
Astley Nathan meets Bronson and Ida-Jean Murray, who are giving back to their community
Beaumyn Wihongi tells Astley Nathan about Ngawha Springs' long history.
Two brothers share the kaupapa of their businesses with Astley Nathan.