Person dies in single-vehicle crash in Ruakākā
Police and emergency services are called to a single-vehicle crash in Ruakākā.
Police and emergency services are called to a single-vehicle crash in Ruakākā.
Kiwis are driving too fast on roads not designed for high speeds, a coroner says.
The man killed in Saturday's homicide has been named as Haze Peihopa, 23, from Auckland.
Northlanders opposed to SNA policy to march in protest.
Police say the message sent to gangs with guns will be more powerful than the results.
The award was recognition of Maunu Cemetery's successful natural burial site.
Ngātiwai Trust Board opposes SNA policy applying to Māori land.
Hui hears accounts of how mainstream education has let down young disabled Kiwis.
Motorists can prepare for delays and diversions following a serious crash in Kaiwaka.
Today's arrests came off the back of hard work by the police and help from the public.
Police believe the vehicle arson in Kamo was linked to the drive-by shooting.
The latest sea snake was found on a beach by an 11-year-old boy looking for shells.
Second highly venomous yellow-bellied sea snake found in Northland.
The teen's mum, Diane Coleman, says she has received messages from people wanting to help.
The two men had been filming themselves repeatedly throwing a puppy into the sea.
"Somewhere on the way, we have a responsibility as a village to help these students."
The family say whānau and police have been amazing support in the wake of the attack.
Northland's road toll sits at 13 deaths - only one more than the same time last year.
'Magoo served his country, his community and in his last, he served his whānau'.
Jennifer Roys believes her interactions with police have made Natasha's life worthless.
To spot a short-finned mako in shallow water is unusual but not unheard of.
The police officer attacked was "incredibly fortunate" to escape serious harm.
A helicopter is on the scene of a fire in Tutukaka, Northland.
"No-one's life would've been lost if they were wearing a seat belt."
Case remitted to the Environment Court to finalise easements sought by Top Energy.
Complainant Fraye Dunbar remains confused about whether a policeman used profanity or not.
St John treat more than 2000 Kiwis a year for an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
The man had sustained a serious cut to his leg that went all the way down to the bone.
Covid-19 had restricted some vital health services to Northland's most in need whānau.
Boaties who are no longer in danger can radio to cancel their mayday call.