Latest fromJustice System

Prisons given two-to-a-cell ultimatum
Corrections has threatened that existing prisons will be fast-tracked into private management unless guards agree to prisoners 'double-bunking'.

Three strikes' law may have merit, says Key
There may be "some merit" in three-strikes legislation for repeat offenders, says Prime Minister John Key.

Schools' leaky building toll soars
More schools hit by leaky building syndrome and Mt Albert Aquatic Centre faces $1m repairs. See the list of Auckland schools.

Victims have say at Weatherston sentencing
"I hope her screams of agony ring in your ears, as they do mine ...' - Sophie Elliott's family address her killer in court.

Extending police instant punishment powers finds support
A proposal to turn patrol cars into "mobile stations" could make police more effective, top NZ lawyer says.

Police set for greater instant punishment powers
Police officers will be able to dispense on-the-spot punishments for minor crimes under plans to turn patrol cars into "mobile stations".

Tony Veitch's victory over police
A detective with personal links to Kristin Dunne-Powell should not have worked on the Tony Veitch investigation, according an official report.

'Car boot' lawyers cashing in on legal aid
Poor-quality defence lawyers working out of their car boot and racking up legal aid bills are hurting Auckland's courts, a review finds.

Containers may create 'slum prisons' - advocate
Prison containers are for shifting goods, not housing people, says a leading penal reform advocate after today's announcement the units will be trialled at Rimutaka Prison from next March.