Collins surprised at union's response to 'three-strikes' law
Judith Collins has criticised the prison guards' union for suggesting the Government's 'three-strike' policy would put guards at risk.
Judith Collins has criticised the prison guards' union for suggesting the Government's 'three-strike' policy would put guards at risk.
Preventive detention will be retained as a sentencing option for judges under the Government's proposed "three strikes" legislation, Police Minister Judith Collins said today.
Offenders with a record will have "nothing to lose" and could be more likely to kill under the three-strikes law, a prisoners' advocate says.
A new scheme to warn offenders rather than put them through the courts is a 'breeding ground' for more serious crime, a former detective has warned.
National and Act have agreed to pass a three-strikes law under which some killers will be locked away in prison without any chance of release.
An internet blogger says his arrest on charges of breaching court suppression orders has seen a huge increase of hits on his site.
New Zealand courts cancelled almost $100 million in fines and reparations in the past financial year.
A judge called New Zealand's busiest court 'Mickey Mouse Manukau mayhem'.
The Government has decided to implement key recommendations in Dame Margaret Bazley's report on the legal aid system.