Why the Pike River court decision is better than re-entry
Comment: Pike River was an enormous cock-up by a large number of people
Comment: Pike River was an enormous cock-up by a large number of people
Two of his alleged victims "very disappointed" man received bail.
Two police officers were today found not guilty of kidnapping a 17-year-old boy.
WorkSafe dropped case against Pike River boss after he paid $3.4m to miners' families.
Two police officers have been found not guilty of kidnapping a 17-year-old boy to end a young love affair.
Cyntoia Brown is serving life sentence for killing the man who bought her as a sex slave.
Family of the trio arrested vow to take legal action over their "wrongful" detention.
Alcohol Healthwatch says bringing in a minimum price for alcohol will save lives.
Judge David Ambler served on the Māori Land Court for 11 years.
Journalists involved in a leak 'weren't acting as reporters', lawyer tells court.
One of the men has been charged with unlawful sexual connection.
Guests at five-star oasis booted for Saudi princes and dignitaries under house arrest.
Editorial: Teina Pora had to wait two decades for justice after being wrongly convicted.
The team who saw Pora's convictions quashed also want a criminal cases review commission.
Man called toddler "a psycho", "the exorcist" and "Satan dressed up in a Babygro"
The man was assaulted in the exercise yard at the Otago Correctional Facility.
Labour's target is a 30 per cent drop in prisoner numbers in 15 years.
Judicial review bid rejected but law student happy with climate case against government.
Baby found in same room as mother beaten to death.
Sir Thomas Thorp calls on top lawyers to help new criminal review body.
The safety of convictions for serious crimes is paramount in a modern justice system.
A jailhouse informant's conviction for perjury has sparked appeal bids by David Tamihere
Eminem vs the National Party case has international ramifications.
Connor Morris' killer has lost his appeal against his murder conviction.
A 14-year-old boy locked up for five days has stunned with his behavioural turnaround.
Science of 'brain' tissue crucial to Mark Lundy's bid to quash double murder convictions.
Susan Mouat admitted pushing her husband before he fell down stairs.
An attempt to sneak drugs and cell phones into a New Zealand prison was foiled this week.