Colin Craig forgot his main defence in defamation case ... truth
The former political party leader and his ex-press secretary are suing each other.
The former political party leader and his ex-press secretary are suing each other.
Serial killer Hayden Poulter has died in prison less than a month after he was recalled.
The two-week High Court proceedings between Colin Craig and Rachel MacGregor began today.
Readers have their say: Killer back in jail; reviving te reo; noisy kids; mandarin lessons
Glenn Schaeffer and two Vegas execs have been locked in a High Court dispute since 2015.
The man with the word Devast8 tattooed across his face is back before the courts.
The High Court jury in the landmark retrial reached its verdict today.
Brother wants agency for inquiries into homicides and suicides by mental health patients.
Killer Gabriel Yad-Elohim was released from hospital just days before a brutal murder.
Rachael Heta stabbed her partner while he was sleeping.
Justice Minister Andrew Little's justice reform struggles on law changes.
District and High Courts are closed to the public for two hours today.
Law society will be informed about the matter 'immediately'.
Driver was trapped in the submerged car as his children were rescued by passing teenager.
A migrant employer has been convicted of exploiting 12 Indian workers.
Stephan Goodburn's life of trickery and deceit funded his "lavish lifestyle".
Pua Magasiva was caught driving along State Highway 16.
EXLUSIVE: 82yo man jailed for more than 50 years of sexually abusing little girls.
Alosio Taimo is facing 83 charges during a 10 week trial in the High Court.
John Vogel has been awarded $10,000 after being unlawfully held in solitary confinement.
Seven people were today granted interim name suppression by a judge.
Police arrested the man after a jogger pulled into bushes and attacked in May.
Lawyers for Inland Revenue and Cullen Group deliver closing statements in tax case.
"The FMA want his head on a plate - they want a trophy."
Just hours after losing her court case, Melissa Opai received a letter from police.
Auckland couple ran an internet escort agency and flew the teen up from Christchurch.
White van believed used in shooting recovered, along with firearms and ammunition.
Hamish Sansom's first trial ended in a hung jury earlier this year.
Nats miss chance of cross-party buy-in for solutions
Charges were dropped against a man who was again accused of a crime from his photo alone.