Latest fromJournalism

Backlash at 'blogger plantation'
She is the queen of bloggers, the woman who captured internet journalism and turned it into a multimillion-dollar industry. But now, after selling The Huffington Post to AOL, Arianna Huffington is being sued by the bloggers.

Book Review: <i>Granta 112</i>
This issue of the British literary journal is dedicated to Pakistan.

Is this a Conversation worth having?
There's a new player in science communication that has emerged across the Tasman.

Sonya Wilson's 20/20 vision
Local current affairs show 20/20 is back with a new host but the same old racy attitude, reports Bevan Hurley.

Assange a scruffy, freakish Peter Pan, say collaborators
Publications about to release books on their experiences with WikiLeaks

BBC host surprises with a news flash of his own
It takes a lot to shock John Humphrys. But when Justin Webb, his co-host on 'Today', revealed that he was the secret love child of the Welshman's old BBC colleague, the newsreader Peter Woods, even Humphrys was taken aback.