Union says legal action could have a chilling effect on NZ journalism
Union says the labelling of journalists as National Party activists is reprehensible.
Union says the labelling of journalists as National Party activists is reprehensible.
Twitter account owner still mocking Zimbabwe President, after saying he wore a catheter.
EDITORIAL: The death of Panama Papers journalist a blow to press freedom and journalism.
Former journalist and current affairs host David Beatson dies
Is our news media covering climate change accurately? Researchers have checked the record.
The Herald stands by a reporter threatened after reporting on a Māori Party candidate.
Was US crime reporter Kevin Deutsch one of journalism's most prolific frauds?
Political journalist compares "Jacinda-mania" to John Key's 2011 election campaign.
Broadcaster ponders how to make best use of Mike Hosking's talents.
COMMENT: Hunger for news on rogue President driving surge in digital subscriptions.
The new nzherald.co.nz website is designed to meet the evolving needs of its audience.
MNZM for Shortie St and Outrageous Fortune writer, ex Colenso High pupil Rachel Lang.
The Commerce Commission's decision has wider implications for commercial law.
Commerce Commission chairman Mark Berry says media market 'still in a state of flux'.
COMMENT: Press Freedom Day is a reminder that critical minds can overcome "fake(d)" news.
NZ politics provides plenty of raw material, so where is the TV satire?
Charges threaten key independent voice in island nation ahead of next year's elections.
COMMENT: The tech beat has developed in a boiling the frog fashion, Juha Saarinen writes.
COMMENT: Turkey now accounts for a third of journalists jailed globally.
COMMENT: AUT University says it is looking at developing journalism as a skill-set rather than a career prospect, John Drinnan writes.
Comment: It's a subject dear to the hearts of 84 per cent of the world's population. But here in New Zealand, religion is almost taboo, Rachel Smalley writes.
COMMENT: Social media and internet have helped to foster age-old problem.
Facebook has struggled for months over whether it should crack down on false stories and hoaxes being spread on its site.
The New Zealand Herald's readership - in print and online - continues to rise, with readership growing for the 4th consecutive survey period.
Kiwi chef Al Brown remembers his good friend AA Gill as one "out of the box".
COMMENT: Blame internet giants for allowing fake news to spread globally.
Veteran newsman Gordon 'Flash' McBride has died after a battle with cancer.
COMMENT: We urgently need to educate our society about media literacy and critical thinking.
We, a group of more than 30 editors, are writing to say, with respect, you are wrong. We believe that you have misinterpreted the state of NZ journalism.
There are people who truly believe journalism is a dark art practised by latter-day witches who seek only to deceive readers by telling