Latest fromJohn Roughan on New Zealand

John Roughan: Plan lacks key element: action
Two months ago, Earthquake Minister Gerry Brownlee invited a number of us journalists who sometimes write about Christchurch to come and see what was happening.

John Roughan: SBW should not be missed
We have to accept that money trumps mana, says John Roughan of SBW's move to Japan, but "we don't have to respect it."

John Roughan: We're led by a chief executive
John Key's achievement this week deserves more recognition than it might ever receive.

John Roughan: A big fat Greek disaster
The sooner the "Grexit" happens the better. Much of Europe is back in recession and the rest of us - as we will hear in the Budget on Thursday - are feeling the chill.

John Roughan: Someone deserves a medal
Somebody in or near the Accident Compensation Corporation deserves a medal.

John Roughan: Weather fickle? Blame the sea
Our summer-sun credits may have been exhausted on the World Cup

John Roughan: How long can this go on?
John Roughan asks: What else might the authorities not want a traumatised population to know?