Latest fromJob Market

Why are so few women in top academic roles?
More women than men graduate - but they then seem to disappear from academia.

Hawke's Bay businesses struggle to find skilled workers
Confidence slumps in face of uncertainty.

Teachers gather to decide next steps in pay battle
More strikes possible when schools return for final term.

How to find a work-life balance
A happy equilibrium between the office and family is essential.

Women still shut out of top academia roles
Progress towards gender equality at universities is slow.

The mishandling of Handley
Comment: Most recruiters would be familiar with the bumbling behind the scenes.

Kiwis happy in London despite Brexit fears
Fewer jobs than expected seem to be lost as UK prepares to leave European Union.

Meet the woman who brings Auckland's stories to the stage
Her job involves listening as much as watching.

Teachers reject pay offer
Patience wears thin as teacher shortage nears 'disaster' levels.

Kiwi hopes of pay rises fall
Public sector confidence is up, but private sector workers less optimistic.

Pay bosses to train apprentices, urges BCITO
Building industry growth hampered by skill shortages.

Gig economy: Don't give up the job yet
The gig economy may not be the saviour it was once touted as.

A day in the life of a theatre manager
Elaine Walsh does not know what each day will bring.

400 foreign teachers sought for Kiwi classrooms
Principals welcome Government recruitment plans, but unsure it is enough.

Watch: A day in the life of a theatre
What the audience sees is only a small part of what happens in a production.

Hiring staff? Get on social media
More than 90 per cent of organisations struggle with recruiting online.

Want to earn $50,000 a month? Here's how
This young Australian didn't even have to leave home.

Growing shortages: 50,000 more primary sector workers needed
'Plenty of opportunities for motivated people'.

New Zealand is marking 125 years of women's suffrage by celebrating female leaders.

Grant Verhoeven: Five tips to get that promotion
Are you constantly getting passed over for those plum roles? This could be why.