'Very tough day': Mill will close, all 210 jobs to go
After more than 80 years, production will shut down in June.
After more than 80 years, production will shut down in June.
The company said it couldn't comment because it's required to keep these confidential.
Top IT positions in NZ filled by overseas talent despite 6000 tech graduates each year.
Employment data shows even a three-day Covid lockdown has an impact on jobs advertised.
New business aims to wipe out plastic bottles the same way we did single-use plastic bags.
Job losses and a booming property market are driving hundreds into real estate.
Are instant messages and video interviews the best way to land a new job?
Six of New Zealand's high-achieving business women share tips for how to succeed.
Law and accounting firms have made major hiring strides but there is more work to be done.
Financial Times: This disturbing shift in work patterns needs to change.
Psychologist reveals how to deal with WFH anxiety and the rollercoaster of alert levels.
For some firms close to the brink this could be the final straw.
Engineer Zoe Reece plans to export medicinal cannabis from North Waikato.
Financial Times: Workers suffer excessive stress staring at themselves on video calls.
Working from home with teens in the mix could be a huge security risk.
Many of the workers were from Fiji and English was their second language.
Whakatāne is reeling 210 workers face losing their jobs at the long-standing mill.
Don't be afraid says MIQ worker after being one of first to get vaccine.
Small firms in retail and hospitality sectors expected to feel affects most.
OPINION: My boss staged a digital intervention. I don't hate him for it.
How the pandemic has become one more barrier for jobseekers with a disability.
Survey reveals workload and lack of staff to blame for sick workers not taking leave.
Super Liquor store owner to pay more than $15,000 in legal costs for investigation.
Co-working firm says Covid-19 has changed the office working dynamic for good.
They're dubbed 'Generation B': Brown, Brainy, Beautiful, Bicultural, Bilingual and Bold.
Rotorua's geothermal inspector loves his job. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
"We're constantly looking for good staff," says the Auckland chef.
Three profiles of top Kiwi businesspeople that you must read this summer.
The New York Times examines the future of the office following Covid-19's upheaval.