Latest fromIT Security

Parliament video site hacked by Iskorpitx
Turkish hacker Iskorpitx has taken out Parliament's video on demand website InTheHouse.

Kiwis target for Facebook fraudsters
Internet fraudsters are using Facebook to steal Kiwis' bank and credit card account numbers and identities.

Success: Camera pros keep eye on world market
Nelson firm wants to see its high-definition webcams used around the globe.

Review: Norton Internet Security 2011
Creators of cybernasties have evolved their game and are now turning to increasingly sophisticated and devious ways of hijacking computers.

70pc of NZ adults hit by online crime
Seventy per cent of NZ adults have been the victim of online crimes ranging from identity theft to having their computer infected with a virus.

Who will save the world when the web goes down?
Seven people with special keys will jointly reboot the internet if critical systems are taken down by cyber criminals.

Hack this for a living
The security consultant for a New Zealand bank was the inspiration for a main character in a new novel.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Cyberwar? It's a phoney war, says IT expert
The US is spending billions to combat an online threat that doesn't exist, reckons security veteran.

Police called over pizza hack
The personal details of several Kiwi celebrities have been released by hackers as proof they have cracked Hell Pizza's customer database.

IT expert tried to sell MI6 secrets
A computing expert formerly employed by MI6 admits trying to disclose a welter of stolen secret information, including a list identifying 39 field agents.

Web prank puts Justin Bieber on Korean trajectory
Bieber was targeted by an internet prank which leaves him struggling to find a way out of exporting his teeny-pop to North Korea.

Apple customers fall victim to app scam hacker
'If the iTunes account hacking part is true, then Apple really needs to step in and fix this,' wrote one.

UFO-chasing hacker: Nasa security 'truly shocking'
Accused of "the biggest military hack of all time" Gary McKinnon is, according to the US, the most dangerous hacker in the world.

Unfixed internet glitch could strand you offline
In 1998, a hacker told Congress he could bring down the internet in 30 minutes by exploiting a certain flaw - and it's still not fixed.

Facebook hacker not living in NZ - police
Police have no evidence that a Russian hacker who posed as a Kiwi girl to sell Facebook login information has ever been to NZ.

NZ asks FBI to help nail hackers
FBI called in investigate an international cyber-crime syndicate that hacked into a carpark to steal credit card details from customers.

Health system's viral attack holds lessons
The Waikato health board was forced to shut down all of its PCs to tackle a Conficker attack.