Latest fromIsrael

Israeli general under fire for divisive speech
Israeli general's speech in which he compared today's Israel to Nazi-era Germany has drawn ire, and also support.

Debate: Anti-Israel or anti-Jewish?
A British Labour MP's Facebook post has sparked debate about when criticism of Israel becomes anti-Semitism. Donna Miles-Mojab and Juliet Moses express differing views.

Rachel Smalley: Is Israel above criticism?
COMMENT: You can criticise any government in the world, any regime, and state, and it goes unnoticed - except Israel.

McCully calls Israel land grab 'unhelpful'
Foreign Minister Murray McCully says Israel's latest land seizure deserves response from UN Security Council.

French chefs scramble Palestinian cuisine
At a time of simmering Mideast tensions and rising malaise, a group of French chefs recently visited the West Bank to bring a little joie de vivre to Palestinian kitchens.

'I can't sit next to a woman'
An elderly woman is suing Israel's national airline for sexism, after she was asked to move seats because a man refused to sit next to her.

Israeli goods ban banned by UK Govt
The British Government intends to ban public institutions in the country from themselves banning the purchase of goods from Israel.

Bystander beaten by mob
An African man shot by an Israeli guard who mistook him for an assailant was then kicked by a mob as he lay bleeding before he died.

Troops in city centres after latest violence
Arab neighbourhoods in Jerusalem are expected to be sealed off and soldiers placed in city centres to support the police amid rising bloodshed and unrest.

Attacks put Israel under the gun
The phones have been ringing nonstop at the Gun Hill shooting range, following a week of daily knife attacks by Palestinians and a clarion call by Israeli politicians requesting that permit holders....

Journalist hit with stun grenade
A journalist reporting for Lebanese TV channel Al-Mayadeen was allegedly hit in the face with a stun grenade mid-report.

'Jewish terrorism' targeted
Israeli leaders proposed harsh new measures to curb "Jewish terrorism" after a wave of extremist violence left Israeli and Palestinian children dead in knife and arson attacks.

Family cooks up answer to refugee neglect
The Abuoda family live in West Bank and have no access to additional funding from a welfare system or from UNRWA, the United Nations refugee agency for Palestinians.

Opportunity to restart Middle East peace talks
NZ has told members of the UN Security Council that there is a window of opportunity for the council to act to restart negotiations in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.

Editorial: McCully's call for peace talks a tall order
Now that it is our turn to chair the United Nations Security Council Murray McCully says we will attempt to revive peace talks between Israel and Palestine. Not an easy task.

Families' fight for survival
Druze in the Golan Heights can only watch as jihadi forces attack the town that is home to their relatives.

Israel implicated in nuclear spy attack
An ambitious attempt to spy on foreign ministers as they negotiated over Iran's nuclear programme has come to light.

Jerusalem: Following the holy path
Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre is visited by Christians from everywhere, writes Kate Shuttleworth.

It's Hamas or chaos - Israeli general
The general who led Israel's war against Hamas last year believes it is in Israel's interest that Hamas continue to rule the Gaza Strip.

Jerusalem home hope for Palestinians
After years of objection from right-wing Israeli groups, the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee last month approved initial plans for 2500 houses on 150ha of land in the Kidron Valley in Al Sawahra.

US and Israel on collision course
Atriumphant Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to be on a new collision course with Barack Obama after the US President bluntly restated his belief in a Palestinian state and criticised the Israeli leader's election campaign tactics.

Israel election: Israel looks set for unwilling coalition
Israel is facing the prospect of its first national unity government in 30 years.

Netanyahu in trouble on home turf
With portraits of the late Menachem Begin on prominent display, the bustling Jerusalem market should have been comfortable home turf for Benjamin Netanyahu.

Pakistan's missile can target all of India
Pakistan has test-fired a ballistic missile able to carry a nuclear warhead to every part of India. Yesterday's test was another escalation in Islamabad's effort to keep pace with its neighbouring rival's formidable military advancements.

United Arab front for Israel poll
Though just over one week remains before Israel votes for a new parliament, there's not much of an election buzz in Nazareth, the biggest majority-Arab city in the country.

Kate Shuttleworth: Israel on hunt for acolytes of Isis
A Palestinian family of six sleep in one bedroom in a cramped, damp and mouldy three-room home.

Mayor wrestles knifeman to ground
The Mayor of Jerusalem helped wrestle a man with a knife to the ground after an ultra-Orthodox Jew was stabbed at a busy intersection.