Latest fromIslam

Concern in Britain over NZ halal lamb
Some British consumers say they won't buy New Zealand lamb because of concerns over the halal method of killing animals.

<i>Garth George:</i> Beware the devil behind preacher's cloth
Garth George writes that the bigot who plans to burn the Koran shows that religious leaders of any faith can be serving Satan.

Controversial posters cause outrage
Advertising posters depicting the Pope as a paedophile and Prophet Muhammad as a suicide bomber have been ripped down.

Well, burn my Koran and call me extremist
Church-run book bonfire shows depth of anti-Islamic sentiment simmering in US.

Increase in Taleban brutality against women
The Taleban have stoned a young couple to death in Afghanistan for 'infidelity'.

Syria bans full face veils at universities
Syria has forbidden the country's students and teachers from wearing the niqab - the full Islamic veil.

Indonesia's Muslims miss Mecca (by about 1,500 miles)
For more than 200 million Muslims in Indonesia, Mecca just moved.

London's 7/7 bombings: The aftermath of tragedy
Five years after the terror attacks on London's public transport system, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown reflects on what's been learned.

Britain: First woman to lead Friday prayers
Raheel Raza is part of a growing group of Muslim feminists challenging the traditional exclusion of women from leadership roles within the mosque.