Latest fromIslam
'Wogistan' pocketknife to be auctioned
The now infamous pocketknife that inspired Richard Prosser to pen his "Wogistan" rant will be auctioned on Trade Me.
Retreat from Wogistan
Richard Prossers infamous "Wogistan rant", where he said young Muslim men should be banned from flying on Western airlines, sparked a global outcry..
Kerre Woodham: Bigotry lurks below surface
While it's alarming to think that there are even a handful of bigots who think he's on the money, it should be clear now that the vast majority find his remarks ignorant, hateful and pathetic.
Paul Thomas: Film brings terrorism back into sharp focus
Both NZ First list MP Richard Prosser's "Wogistan" diatribe and the furore surrounding Zero Dark Thirty, the Academy Award-nominated film about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, are reminders that we still live in the shadow of 9/1.
Prosser builds bridges after article
NZ First MP Richard Prosser has been trying to build bridges with the local Muslim community after apologising for anti-Muslim comments.
Cairo still rocked by protests two years on
On second anniversary of fall of Mubarak, Egyptians take to Tahrir Square over lack of progress.
Peter Calder: Film row faint in NZ Muslims' ears
Parking congestion at Auckland mosque more pressing issue than conflagration over clumsy anti-Islamic production.
Muslims help to track extremists
Islamic leaders have moved rapidly to stamp on extremists within their communities and heal serious rifts with other Australians in the wake of last Saturday's violent riot in Sydney.
Zain Ali: Muslim rage tarnishes the name of Muhammad
Zain Ali says it may be the perpetrators of violence who are the ones who have besmirched and dishonoured Muhammad.