Child support to be pulled from wages
The Govt is owed $1 billion in missed child support payments, including $4m by one parent.
The Govt is owed $1 billion in missed child support payments, including $4m by one parent.
COMMENT: Receiving cash for work and not paying tax on it is a crime.
A Taradale businessman has been sentenced to nine months' home detention for multiple tax evasion offences, despite having reimbursed
The Government's crackdown on student loan borrowers in Australia has stepped up a notch.
A property developer's claims of an unfair tax trial have been thrown out by appeal judges.
Thirty three properties across Auckland are tied up in a $34m asset freeze - New Zealand's biggest such case.
Inland Revenue Department prosecuted fewer people in 2015 than the year before, but the value of the frauds was bigger.
John George Russell - accountant, former merchant banker, 81-year-old and some $500 million in debt to the IRD - is finally raising the white flag.
After months of maintaining his innocence ex-Heart of the City boss Alex Swney phoned his parents to say he was going to plead guilty to nearly $1.8m in tax evasion.
The taxman has invested millions and decades trying to shut down schemes of its 80-year-old nemesis.