Latest fromIran

Iran leaders in power struggle
Iran is enmeshed in a bitter battle for pre-eminence between President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah.

Top 10 spots to propose
United States news organisation CNN International has released its top 10 places to propose to a loved one on Valentine's Day.

Iran: Love songs in the shadow of a bridge
The residents of Isfahan know how to make the most of an enchanted evening on the banks of the Zayandeh River.

Iran: 2000-year-old technology stands the test of time
Jill Worrall discovers a haven for royalty and an ingenious irrigation system in the desert city of Yazd.

Iran: Banana-flavoured beer in an enclave of religious tolerance
Tell people you're visiting an Armenian church in Iran and chances are you'll get some doubtful looks.

Iran's Foreign Minister sacked
Iran's Foreign Minister has been replaced by the head of the country's nuclear programme.

Iran: Persian pleasures (+recipe)
Food writers Greg and Lucy Malouf find their journey to Iran filled with incredible cuisine and warm hospitality.

Iranian woman facing gallows
The Iranian woman facing the death penalty for adultery could be executed in the next 24 hours.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Stuxnet mystery Israel, bluff, or double bluff?
Sophisticated computer worm has to be the work of a government - but which one, and why?

Secrets of the story hunters
The Independent looks at a vanishing breed - the investigative journalist.

Worm that turned breaks new ground
Most refined computer virus ever discovered targets Iran and reveals weaknesses in industrial systems