Latest fromInvestment Companies

Rogue finance boss trades on death
A rogue finance company boss bought secret life insurance cover on hundreds of unwitting people - to win a $500,000 jackpot every time one of them died. Their families received $20,000.

Hubbard investors may only get 60pc return
The Statutory Managers for Hubbard's say investors could receive only 60 per cent of what was on their March 2010 statements.

Five Star director pleads guilty to SFO charges
An ex-finance company director has admitted SFO theft charges - the first major conviction from the finance company sector collapse.

South Canty pays out Maier early
Corporate turnaround man Sandy Maier is no longer working for South Canterbury Finance and has been paid a confidential settlement to finish early.

Strategic Finance investors' outlook grim as loan book sale stalls
Investors in failed Strategic Finance could get as little as 12 cents in the dollar after bids for the firm's loan book fell short of expectations.

Kiwi financial confidence dips, big banks win investors hearts
Financial confidence levels have dropped back to 2009 levels, says a new survey.

Maier joins Ngai Tahu day after SCF collapse
South Canterbury Finance chief executive Sandy Maier became a director of Ngai Tahu Holdings the day after Allan Hubbard's finance company was placed in receivership.

<i>Inside Money :</i> Reserve Bank fights inflation, launches board game
Let's celebrate some of the lesser, under-appreciated duties of the Reserve Bank.

Auditor-General to review deposit guarantee scheme
Lyn Provost is to review the Crown's Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme which ended earlier this week having paid out $1.85bn.