Latest fromInternet
Back it up: How to save your digital life for free
There's no excuse for not backing up your data these days - it can be reactively painless, and completely free.
TiVo locked to Telecom, pricing announced
Fully-functioning TiVo will only be available to Telecom broadband users when it launches here in November.
Ultra-fast internet in 10 years
Plans for a billion dollar spend-up on ultra-fast broadband have been finalised by the Government.
<i>Rod Drury:</i> Broadband really is the silver bullet
Why connecting New Zealand digitally to the rest of the planet is so crucial.
Govt's rural broadband plan unrealistic - Epitiro
An international internet performance specialist says the Government's rural broadband initiative is big on promises it may not be able to deliver.
Online Monopoly off to a shaky start
Massive multiplayer online games, previously a geek domain, could go mainstream with Monopoly City Streets.
Who is listening to your Skype calls?
Security specialists are warning that cybercrooks now have the power to listen into internet calls using popular application Skype.
Why the lack of cheap broadband is killing our knowledge economy
Broadband needs to be so close to free we don't care about using it, says Ben Young.
Tech's big hitters battle for superiority
The global triumvirate of Microsoft, Google and Apple, each masters of a particular technological craft, could be looking toward an unexpected realignment.
Telecom lines move 'sign of desperation' says union
The employment spat between Telecom and its engineers has taken a new turn.
The big question: What's up with Wikipedia?
Why is Wikipedia set to abandon one of its founding principles?