Pay what you want, or in our case - nothing!
At the start of this year to stimulate some thoughts around marketing, I offered via my blog Pay What You Want marketing advice - a world first.
At the start of this year to stimulate some thoughts around marketing, I offered via my blog Pay What You Want marketing advice - a world first.
Susan Boyle, Smashproof and body-painted cabin crews capture Kiwis’ imaginations.
Some believe social networking and search - Facebook, Twitter and Google in particular - are putting our personal information at far too much risk.
If you're not a fan of instant messaging (IM), you're going to hate a new PC-based communication tool under development by Google.
Why do I feel all stabby when I get a message that ends with three short marks: a colon, a hyphen and a parenthesis?
The Commerce Commission has made an example of Telecom.
The days of fretting over whether your new employer might find all those embarrassing drunken photos on Facebook are coming to an end.
See all the most popular search terms of the year after Google reveals what the public wanted to know about in 2009.
A NZ man has been ordered to pay $21.3m for his part in a global spam network said to be one of the largest ever.
Putting together the power of the internet and sport would seem a natural combination for a New Zealand company.
Facebook users have been warned they will be among targets of a huge increase in cyber crime next year.
Rumours of a new Google design boasting a revamped logo and three-pane search page have proved to be true.
Today's hacker is a smart IT graduate, probably living in Eastern Europe, who is in the business to make money.