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Pamela Wade: Hotels need to wise up on WiFi
The first thing I do when I enter a new hotel room isn't to go straight to the window to check out the view, test-bounce the bed or look into the bathroom to see whether the toiletries are Molton Brown or Gilchrist & Soames.

Nathan Field: Old fashioned TV-watching still rules
One industry that has been surprisingly resilient in the face of new technology is television.

Stephen Foley: Ten things I hate about Twitter
My relationship with Twitter is love-hate, which is why I haven't decided if it is on a Facebook trajectory, towards world domination.

<i>Chris Barton</i>: Pirates may help lawmakers see the treasure
Copyright debate shows politicians have no idea what the internet really is.

Doctor suspended for computer porn
A Wellington doctor has been suspended after he admitted having 50,000 pornographic pictures of young girls on his computer.

Broadsides: Internet file-sharing law changes
Labour's Jacinda Ardern and National's Nikki Kaye on why the new internet file-sharing law was needed.

Loyal telco customer shocked by 'insane' dated rates
One loyal customer finds out he's paying TelstraClear 10 times what new customers are being charged.

Cinemas at war with studios over home screenings
British cinema chains could refuse to show major films in a showdown with two leading studios over home viewing.

Tweets from Sohaib Athar - who liveblogged assassination without realising
Sohaib Athar was taking a break from the rat-race in the mountains...

Osama bin Laden dead - the Internet reacts
The news of the death of Osama bin Laden sent social media networks into a frenzy today. Here's a sampling of what was said.

Average Kiwi has 124 Facebook friends
The average New Zealand Facebook user has 124 friends according to a new poll.