Latest fromInternet

Student caught planking in front of oncoming train
The 'planking' craze has hit a new low after a student was caught performing the act on a railway line.

Govt defends broadband contract process
The Government is defending its process for picking Telecom to set up the majority of the ultra fast broadband (UFB) network.

Telecom split hangs on law change, shareholder vote, Reynolds tells staff
Telecom's split into a network company and service wholesaler and retailer now only hangs on a law change next month and a shareholder vote later this year, chief executive Paul Reynolds has told staff.

Success: Social media help reach the world
Facebook, Twitter, blogs are cost-effective ways to target a specific market, says business owner.

Market sizzles as investors get in early
Barry Silbert is trading in a sizzling market: shares of private, venture-backed social-media companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Schools monitor students' online exploits
Students are being warned schools are actively monitoring them online to check for misbehaviour.

US$600m payday for Silicon Valley veteran
Silicon Valley is where the young and thin dream of making millions on the next hot tech startup. Reid Hoffman is portly, "old" and far more successful than most can ever hope to be.

Noelle McCarthy: Rapture or none, it could be a great day
If we are indeed facing the end of the world this weekend, we'd better be sure to make it count

Week three: Download new NZ music for free
To help celebrate NZ Music Month, TimeOut and, in conjunction with Frequency Media Group, are giving away a free download EP every Thursday in May.