Latest fromInternet

Entrepreneur collars pet lovers
GrabOne founder and serial entrepreneur Shane Bradley has set the ball rolling on his latest venture.

Police vs boy racers on Facebook
Hawke's Bay police have turned to Facebook to battle boy racers after a series of fatal crashes in the region.

David Glance: Challenge of keeping up with cyber teens
Social networks will have to make changes if they are to survive as fickle young users look for something new, writes David Glance.

Does not compute - Where are the IT workers?
The money's good, the jobs are plentiful - so why does New Zealand's growing IT industry find it so hard to attract skilled staff? Anthony Doesburg reports

A goggle at Google's glasses
Tech fans have finally had their first good look at Google Glass, the hotly anticipated web goggles worth US$1500 a pair.

Kiwis doubling up on screen time
Watching television while simultaneously browsing the net on a smartphone, tablet or laptop is becoming the new norm in New Zealand living rooms, according to Google.

Parliament condemns Fiji brutality
Parliament has condemned the torture of Fijian detainees and urged the Fijian Government to find those responsible.

Hackers exploit email to access RBA computers
The Reserve Bank of Australia's computer systems have fallen victim to cyber hacking in at least two sophisticated online attacks.

Mystery Kiwi singer revealed
A 16-year-old North Shore student who pens her own songs has topped New Zealand's iTunes download chart and won a record contract with a major label.

Fibre switch 'no brainer' for website firm
Ultra-fast broadband has already satisfied one data-hungry company's need for speed.

Slow uptake for ultra-fast broadband
The Government's $1.5 billion ultra-fast broadband revolution has so far been idling along at dial-up speed - but the minister overseeing it is optimistic.

Bad-taste Chch Harlem Shake
The creator of a bad-taste Harlem Shake video has apologised for using haunting images of the Christchurch earthquake.

Dotcom's shutdown good for US studios
Two Hollywood film studios may have gained more than an extra $1 million a week from paid legal downloads of their movies after last year's shutdown of Kim Dotcom's MegaUpload websites, a new study has found.

Defence Force highlights online dangers
The Defence Force has issued a handbook to personnel with guidelines on how to use social networking sites.

Cisco forecasts massive mobile uptake
The way we use smartphones looks set to undergo some pretty dramatic changes over the next 5 years, writes Pat Pilcher.

Small business: Grant Broadbent - Corporate style
Grant Broadbent, director of business systems specialist, Stellar Consulting on where SMEs could improve their systems to a more corporate style.

British teen dies after knife attack on crowded bus
A British teenager has been knifed to death on a crowded bus in an apparently random attack as she made her way to school.

Alcohol 'hard to regulate on social media'
Alcohol advertising is so seamlessly blended into social media and smartphone technology that government will struggle to regulate it, a researcher says.

Barker: 'A troll of the highest order'
The son of a former Split Enz member is cementing his reputation as Australia's worst internet troll, and his antics may be putting his father's career in jeopardy.