Latest fromInternet
Pat Pilcher: 4.6m phone numbers made public in Snapchat breach
As we become more and more reliant on cloud based services, privacy breaches could become increasingly commonplace, writes Pat Pilcher.
Horrifying video goes viral
If there was ever a reason not to be nosey, then this video is it. And if you happen to be an arachnophobe, the scenes here are the stuff of your darkest nightmares.
Auckland moved to Australia
Where in the world is Auckland? According to a top American news channel, it's in Australia.
Army of geeks wages cyber-war
Top-secret unit of young hackers spearheads America's programme to infiltrate communications worldwide.
YouTuber has big plans for movie future
Internet sensation Jamie Curry plans to take some time offline in the future in a bid to work on making a bigger dream come true.
Site sparks crime fears
Privacy watchdogs are worried about intrusive new 'reverse search' websites that allow users to type in a street address and discover who lives there.
Facebook oldies drive teens away
A study of how older teenagers use social media has found that Facebook is "not just on the slide, it is basically dead and buried", an expert says.
The trouble with Twitter
It was the year of tweeting yourself into hot water, as celebrities, politicians and the suddenly infamous found themselves in social media disgrace.
Thoughts that didn't quite count
A gold iPhone 5s, a $600 keyboard and an inflatable remote-controlled dolphin were some of the unwanted gifts that flooded Trade Me on Christmas Day.
Magnetic bands ads 'misleading'
An advertiser has been ordered to remove online claims that magnetic wrist and ankle bands have therapeutic benefits including relieving tension and purifying blood.
Kiwis make baby box viral hit
Cool Kiwi couple come up with online hit - using their "favourite domestic junk" to recreate famous movies scenes starring their cute baby, Orson.
Retailers to find an edge over online
Today's final rush to complete pre-Christmas shopping will also complete a highly successful period for retailers.
Spoof video-maker awaits verdict
An American and four other men detained in the United Arab Emirates for making a parody video about youth culture will discover today whether they will be freed.
T'is the season to be wary online
Want a burglary-free Christmas? Then watch what you post on your social media profile.
PR exec opens up on racist tweet
Justine Sacco, a PR executive who found herself at the centre of a Twitter firestorm after posting a racist “joke”, now says 'words cannot express' how sorry she is for her tweet.
Mums angry over Facebook move
Facebook has removed breastfeeding photos from a private group page for mums, angering members.
Customs won't front on 'brownie points'
Customs has refused to answer questions about an email asking staff to send information on Kim Dotcom to the FBI in exchange for "brownie points".
Beware of eBay system sales con
Netsafe is getting a large number of reports where offenders try to use an eBay "protected programme" to obtain money.
Editorial: Consumers must not pay for telco woes
Editorial: In the response to Chorus's financial woes, there can be no confusion. Consumers must not play the role of sacrificial lambs.
Customs quiet on 'brownie points' case
The "secrets-for-brownie points" case has been escalated to Customs Minister Maurice Williamson - but he says it has nothing to do with him.
'High energy' gifts for Xmas
It's shaping up to be an outdoor Christmas for many Kiwis, a list of most searched for items on popular auction site Trade Me suggests.
'Brownie points' for leaked info to FBI
A senior Customs official told colleagues in charge of highly personal information they could earn "brownie points"if they passed secrets to the FBI.
How to beat call centres (be polite)
An even temper, good manners and careful record keeping can help defeat call centres that don't co-operate.
David Fisher: Internet firm moves on from dark days
I spent almost five hours on hold trying to find out why my Slingshot internet connection was so bad.
Chorus shares lift on report release
Chorus could reduce its funding gap for the ultra-fast broadband project from $1 billion to $200 million.
Danish PM urged to auction presidential selfie
David Cameron has urged Danish PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt to auction the controversial selfie she took at Nelson Mandela's memorial for charity.