Latest fromInternet Party

Dotcom's party unveils enviro policy
Kim Dotcom's fledgling Internet Party has begun fleshing out its policy platform, setting a target of having 100 per cent of the country's electricity supply coming from renewable sources within ten years.

Bob Jones: Criticism over Mein Kampf a load of nonsense
Condemnation of Kim Dotcom's possession of a signed copy of Mein Kampf has been ridiculous, writes Sir Bob Jones.

Rodney Hide: Bromance of convenience
The intricate Hone Harawira and Kim Dotcom dance is proving every bit as exciting as the royal tour.

Dotcom made 'direct threats' - MP
National MP Mark Mitchell has claimed Kim Dotcom was "intimidatory" and made "direct threats" towards the Prime Minister to Mr Mitchell at a barbecue late last year.

Mystery MP pulls pin on Internet Party
Kim Dotcom's Internet Party says discussions with a sitting electorate MP who was poised to join the party have ended due to the prospect of a tie up with Hone Harawira's Mana Party.

Adam Bennett: Tai Tokerau hot seat for alliance
Should the Mana Party do its deal with the Internet Party, Hone Harawira's Tai Tokerau electorate will become an even more crucial election battleground, writes Adam Bennett.

Harawira shrugs off defections danger
Mana Party leader Hone Harawira has indicated he's prepared to lose senior party figures such as founding member Sue Bradford.

Alliance on agenda
Hone Harawira and Kim Dotcom have taken the next step in their slow dance, after Mana Party members agreed late last night to move forward in negotiations with the Internet Party.

Michael Shirley: Here's why NZ broadband prices are over-inflated
It is entirely possible for New Zealanders to pay far less for broadband than the over-inflated price it currently costs.

Dotcom to speak at Mana AGM
Internet Party founder Kim Dotcom will address the Mana Party annual conference in Rotorua next weekend.

Paul Thomas: Anti-politician image lets Dotcom duck real criticism over Nazi buy
According to the target, it was a "disgusting smear campaign", but the revelation that Kim Dotcom owns a signed copy of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf doesn't seem to have done his fledgling political party any harm.

Bryce Edwards: Media bias and election coverage
Is the media guilty of biased coverage of politicians and parties? Bryce Edwards looks at the allegations that election coverage lacks impartiality.

Claire Trevett: Election hunt is on as MPs chase own tails
Claire Trevett asks: "Who is the mystery electorate MP Kim Dotcom has claimed will soon shed his or her political clothing of yore and emerge in the royal purple of the Internet Party."

Harawira keeps merger talk alive
Mana leader Hone Harawira has kept the prospect of merging with the Internet Party alive.

Dotcom's party gets a ranking
Kim Dotcom's Internet Party has started registering support in a new political poll.

Poll: Support for Internet Party
Kim Dotcom’s Internet Party has started registering support in a new political poll, and could have enough to gain one seat in Parliament if it did a deal with Mana Party.

Kerre McIvor: Owning a book doesn't make you evil
I have no time for Kim Dotcom. I don't find him charming and picaresque.

Rodney Hide: Revenge put to work as policy
Motive matters, especially in politics. Voters want to know the "Why" just as much as the "What". And that's where the internet Party falls down. Kim Dotcom is driven entirely by revenge. And his fight with the US Government.

John Armstrong: Step right up for the Dotcom political joke
Dotcom has about as much chance of playing kingmaker in 2014 via his just-launched Internet Party as Corkery has of succeeding the Queen to the British throne, writes John Armstrong.

Dotcom's debt repayment a publicity stunt says disgruntled creditor
Kim Dotcom has paid back about $400,000 of up to $900,000 he owes to creditors - but one sees the late payment as a public relations ploy.

Dotcom's party hits 1000 member mark
Kim Dotcom's Internet Party has attracted 600 members just over 12 hours after launching.

Bryce Edwards: Polarised opinions on Dotcom's Internet Party
Love him or loathe him - there's no doubting Kim Dotcom knows how to make an impression, writes Bryce Edwards.

Friend spills beans on Dotcom
A former friend and employee of Kim Dotcom spoke exclusively to The Diary from Los Angeles yesterday about the internet tycoon as he launched his foray into New Zealand politics.

Dotcom on fast track to 500 members
Kim Dotcom's Internet Party last night looked set to gain the 500 members necessary for registration in record time.

Dotcom: 'A disgusting smear campaign'
Kim Dotcom has ruled out the unlikely prospect that his Internet Party could work with National, a move that rekindles the possibility of an alliance with the Mana Party.