Latest fromInternet Party

Internet Party candidates announced
The candidates list for Kim Dotcom's Internet Party has been announced this morning.

Internet Mana enlists King Kapisi
Bill Urale, aka Hip Hop artist King Kapisi, has been made youth culture and Pasifika ambassador for the Internet Mana Party.

Harre: Internet Mana at 'first base'
A Herald-DigiPoll survey showing the Internet Mana Party would get two seats in Parliament means the alliance is at "first base" but needs to hit a home run, Laila Harré says.

Harawira and Harre: We might not like system, but we'll make most of it
We can assure people that their votes will count, because we have our foot in the door through the one-seat threshold, writes Laila Harre and Hone Harawira.

Nats fly high, new party nibbles Greens
New Herald poll shows Internet-Mana would get two MPs, as their success eats into the Greens vote while National is still well ahead of Labour.

Bob Jones: Dotcom, your no-hopers won't save you
Dangle some money before hardened lefties and they'll sit up and purr every time, writes Bob Jones.

Martyn Bradbury: Unmentionable issues need champion
There are three rules of New Zealand politics. Never criticise farmers. Never ask why cannabis is illegal and never, ever mention abortion.

Bryce Edwards: Internet Mana Party - bound to succeed or doomed to fail?
Will the Internet Mana Party succeed? To answer this question, one first has to define what success is., writes Bryce Edwards.

Labour open to Internet Mana deal
Labour leader David Cunliffe confirmed he would still be open to a post-election deal with Internet Mana despite making the abolition of "coat-tailing" under MMP .

Brian Rudman: Real cost of Dotcom alliance remains to be seen
When eccentric millionaires hijack the political landscape as their own private playground, mere mortals should be very afraid, writes Brian Rudman.

Internet Party's focus on young people
The Internet Party's first leader, Laila Harre, is promising young New Zealanders an "awesome" future in a growing digital economy.

Martyn Bradbury: New coalition a practical union
Kim Dotcom picked me up on the way to the candlelit vigil outside John Key's house last weekend to protest the unethical drone strikes that have killed more than 2400 people.

Edward Rooney: Press call mix-up
Laila Harre's appointment was one of the worst-organised interviews we've attended, writes Edward Rooney.

Pam Corkery named as Internet Party leader's press secretary
Broadcaster and former Alliance MP Pam Corkery is back working with erstwhile Parliamentary colleague Laila Harre as the new Internet Party leader's press secretary.

Dotcom 'buying influence'
Prime Minister John Key has ramped up his criticism of Kim Dotcom in the wake of the union of the internet Party and Mana Party, saying Dotcom was trying to "buy influence" .

Harre named as Internet Party leader
Laila Harré brought political polish and signs of a coherent policy platform to the official announcement of her leadership of the fledgling Internet Party this afternoon.

Mana glad with Internet Party's pick
Laila Harre will be formally announced as the leader of Kim Dotcom's Internet Party this afternoon thanks partly to the Mana Party, which had a hand in her selection.

Claire Trevett: Political prenup as Harawira weds sugar daddy
The union of Mana and the Internet Party is very much an arranged marriage - they checked out each other's dowries and decided they liked what they saw, writes Claire Trevett.

Editorial: Dotcom and Harawira united by antagonism
Editorial: Kim Dotcom and Hone Harawira have formed perhaps the oddest coupling in New Zealand politics.

Harre to be named Internet Party leader
Former Alliance Party MP Laila Harré will be announced as the leader of Kim Dotcom's Internet Party tomorrow, the Herald understands.

Bryce Edwards: The Internet Mana game-changer?
Criticism, disbelief, and a degree of mockery sums up the response to the newly launched Internet Mana Party, writes Bryce Edwards.

John Armstrong: Devil of a deal puts Harawira in control
If Hone Harawira has sold his party's soul to the devil, one thing is for sure, he got a good price for it, writes John Armstrong.

Mana to merge with Internet Party
Hone Harawira's Mana Party has confirmed an election year deal with Kim Dotcom's Internet Party - prompting senior member Sue Bradford to quit.

Harawira set to reveal election deal
Mana leader Hone Harawira is this morning expected to announce a formal deal with Kim Dotcom's Internet Party to jointly contest the September election.