Latest fromInternet Party

Mana's 'achilles heel'
'I’ve always voted for Harawira since he’s been running, but yesterday I gave my party vote to National, and my candidate vote to Kelvin Davis' - Tau Henare

Dot-bomb? Kim says sorry
Kim Dotcom apologised to Hone Harawira and the Maori people for 'poisoning' Internet-Mana support - before storming out of the party's function last night.

Road ends for Internet-Mana
After months of trying to set the agenda for the election, Kim Dotcom last night saw the aspirations of his political party crash and burn.

Internet Mana would grant Snowden residency in NZ
The Internet Mana Party says it would push for the next Government to give NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden safe passage and residency in New Zealand.

Cunliffe checks with former leaders
Labour leader David Cunliffe says he has sought reassurance from former Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark about the party's role in recent spying revelations.

Key hits back at spy-law claim
John Key has struck directly at a specific detail in the spying claims, saying new laws passed last year had nothing to do with the alleged mass surveillance project.

Southern Cross' chief executive: Key should check his facts
The head of the Southern Cross Cable Network has disputed Prime Minister John Key's claim that a cable had been tapped into as part of a proposition to collect metadata.

Fran O'Sullivan: Key wins - now let's focus on real issues
John Key goes into the home straight of the election campaign with his integrity publicly intact after the Kim Dotcom fiasco.

Status of event under question
Legal experts are uncertain whether Kim Dotcom's "Moment of Truth" event should be declared by the Internet Party as an election expense.

Derek Cheng: Guest star leaves it all out there
Laila Harre first hinted at problems when she alluded to "a special guest" who may or may not show up for The Moment of Truth, writes Derek Cheng.

Universal student allowance pledge
All tertiary students would be paid a universal student allowance and also have the cost of their course fees paid under an Internet Mana Party policy.

Internet-Mana Party stands united for Road Trip wrap
One of the star acts was a no-show, but the show of unity was on high beam for the Internet-Mana Party's last "Road Trip" meeting last night.

A win for Dotcom over seized property
Police have been ordered to release back to Kim Dotcom clones of computers and electronic devices seized in 2012 from his Coatesville mansion.

Paul Little: Misfits machine draws teen vote
In the 2011 election only 74 per cent of eligible voters cast their vote, the lowest percentage since 1978.

Brian Rudman: Dotcom's been pipped ... but it's politics as usual
Spare a thought for German money-bags Kim Dotcom. He's spending more than $3 million to buy himself into the general election.

Georgina Beyer lashes out at Dotcom
Mana candidate Georgina Beyer has lashed out at Internet Mana backer Kim Dotcom: "He's using his power and position to seek retribution".

Editorial: Seat in House Minto's chance to make solid contribution
If the Internet-Mana alliance attracts just 3.4 per cent of the vote at the election, as it has in our latest DigiPoll survey, John Minto will be in Parliament.

Family tragedy over shadows campaign launch
A political candidate who learned of a family tragedy during the launch of her party’s election campaign is paying tribute to her dead sister as she returns to the hustings.

Poll puts Minto into Parliament
Internet-Mana would have four MPs in Parliament including veteran activist John Minto, if its support in the latest Herald-DigiPoll survey were translated to an election result.

Corkery offered to resign over tirade
Internet-Mana press secretary Pam Corkery offered to resign after swearing at journalists at the party's launch, but she says she won't apologise to the reporters.