Latest fromInternational Travel

'Good for you, good for me!'
A weekly ode to the joys of moaning about your holiday, by Tim Roxborogh.

'Gringo' trap: The perils of Bogota
Emma Reynolds was a naive 23-year-old when she travelled to Colombia ... and she loved it.

Hawaii: Sailor's grave
Michael Wayne struggles his way to the remote beach where James Cook met his death.

The Bristol Harbour Hotel & Spa
Zoe Walker checks into a buzz-worthy new establishment, housed in a former bank.

Meribel: Unspoilt alpine idyll
In Meribel, there's no shoe like a snowshoe, writes Peter Thompson.

The Med: On the run
The running of a marathon disrupts the scenic start of a Mediterranean odyssey.

Israel: Conflicted journey
Many places are remarkable but the politics rule out total relaxation.

Room check: Aitutaki Village
Peter de Graaf stays adjacent to some of the best beaches on Aitutaki.

Fiji: Food gets a place to shine
Resort ensures its fare is not just a footnote to a visit to Fiji.

The best mile-high bars
For every carrier skimping on legroom, another emerges with a swanked-up bar.

Getting poohed on in Trafalgar Square
A weekly ode to the joys of moaning about your holiday, by Tim Roxborogh.

Getting the most out of your tour guide
Guy Needham has some suggestions on getting the most out of your guide.

Iraq: Skiing on the edge
The ups and downs of ski touring on the border of Iraqi Kurdistan and Iran.

Watch: Would you ski in North Korea?
North Korea has released a bizarre new video promoting its ski resort.

America's most authentic dive bars
From LA to Philadelphia, these are quirkiest, grungiest and most interesting spots.

Feeling like a Pacific winter break?
If you want to get away from the hordes, try one of these off-the-radar hot spots.

Kenya: In the Maasai Mara
The ultimate school field trip enchants Charmaine Noronha in the Maasai Mara.

Why would you go to Colombia?
The arrest of an Aussie in Colombia on drug charges has focused attention on the country.

Steve McCabe: Stamp collector
Steve McCabe wonders how many more countries he can collect on a European holiday.

My revenge on United Airlines
COMMENT: Matt Heath shares his journey from a Kiwi treasure to an international disgrace.

Oh Brother, where art thou?
Reuniting with family, Jesse Leonard finds his sibling bonds remain strong in Rarotonga.

Sri Lanka: Crown jewels
The father of 'tropical modernism' has a cultish following, writes Andrew Stone.

The Viking Star attractions
Life on board the Viking Star is a series of highlights, writes Catherine Masters.

Floppy-Head Syndrome on planes
A weekly ode to the joys of moaning about your holiday, by Tim Roxborogh.