Latest fromInternational Politics

Australian election: The final pitch
A slender lifeline has been handed to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as voters prepare to go to the polls tomorrow to decide who will lead Australia for the next three years.

Kevin Rudd's flyer floors Kiwi
A NZ woman who complained to Kevin Rudd about the rights of Kiwis across the Tasman has featured in a campaign pamphlet saying she'll vote for him.

The growing appeal of Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott has many fans according to the polls - but few as enthusiastic as Nio Barbaro, who knelt at the Abbott's feet yesterday and planted a kiss on his forehead.

Assad interview fires up Hollande
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad seemed calm and was surrounded by only light security when he talked to a French journalist this week.

Obama gains support for Syrian strikes
The prospect of air strikes in Syria has grown with political developments driving towards military action.

So they wait - for Obama
The graves had run into each other, mounds of red earth washed by the rain, blown by the wind.