Officials accuse Kerry of 'anti-Semitic' approach
The US Secretary of State was accused of supporting anti-Semitic interests yesterday after warning that Israel faced an economic boycott.
The US Secretary of State was accused of supporting anti-Semitic interests yesterday after warning that Israel faced an economic boycott.
Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, admitted he has not spoken to President Barack Obama for seven months.
National calls for debt relief as mounting toll of big dry ruins businesses and suicides rise among farmers.
Areas where voting blocked mean result will almost certainly be inconclusive.
This week the agonies of Syria and much of the Mid-East came sharply home to Oz, where the reps of 60 countries met in Sydney for Interpol's inaugural global security and counter-terrorism convention.
Kiwis, regardless of political leanings, can applaud the fact that Helen Clark has been touted internationally as the next Secretary-General of the UN.
A US Congressman who threatened to “break” and throw a journalist off a balcony has defended his actions.
She is the granddaughter of Caribbean immigrants to the US, who has just been appointed to a top job by New York's new mayor. He is the dashing star of Sherlock.
John Key says the Govt would throw its weight behind any bid by Helen Clark for the top job at the UN in 2016, but said it would be a tough ask for her to secure the post.
Massive corruption involving union officials, businesses, organised crime figures and bikies has been alleged in the Australian construction industry.
President Barack Obama is pushing for green reforms and an overhaul of immigration laws in his State of the Union address.
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark has been tipped as a possible candidate for the United Nations' top job, the UK's Guardian reports.
This year, while chairing the G20, Australia is in a unique position to help promote global growth, writes Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Economic growth is the result of global conditions as well as domestic policies.
Boris Johnson was yesterday named Honorary Australian of the Year at an Australia Day awards ceremony in the British capital.
The London barman who attempted a citizen's arrest on Tony Blair has been rewarded with a sizeable bounty for his efforts.
A majority of voters want NZ to keep out of any conflict that could flare up in the East China Sea.
There was one small break in protocol this morning at a major gathering of parliamentary speakers from around the world. And it was by an Aussie in red shoes.
Republican governor now says he's 'readier' for White House despite scandals.
The Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad has funded and co-operated with al-Qaeda in a complex double game even as the terrorists fight Damascus.
Speakers from around the world will be welcomed at Parliament today in a huge powhiri - but there won't be any women in the front row,
Tony Blair used his diplomatic skill to talk his way out of a humiliating citizen's arrest by a barman in a trendy east London restaurant.
Outraged by unprovoked "king hit" killings, increased rates of alcohol-fuelled violence and soaring hospital admissions, Australians have finally had enough.
Anti-government protests in Ukraine's capital escalated into fiery street battles with police.
A reply to last week's assessment of Ariel Sharon by Sydney writer Irfan Yusuf.
Critics of Olympics say a third of budget is being siphoned off by Putin's friends.
Defector says idealists indoctrinated in Syria to carry out terror attacks in West.
Nauru has effectively suspended its entire legal system, sacking its sole magistrate and barring its Chief Justice from entering the country.