Latest FromInternational Politics

Minority Qld govt hangs in balance

Minority Qld govt hangs in balance

Queensland's six-week-old minority government hung in the balance yesterday after Labor Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk was forced to expel one of her MPs, opening up the possibility of a byelection that could hand power to the Liberal-Nationals.

NSW win may help Abbott

NSW win may help Abbott

Mike Baird's comfortable victory in Saturday's New South Wales election has taken some of the heat off Prime Minister Tony Abbott, according to pundits - but has also highlighted the differences....

Voters defy militants

Voters defy militants

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times for democracy in Africa yesterday as Nigerians resolutely cast their votes amid shootings by Islamist militants and technical glitches.

Barrier Reef plan not enough

Barrier Reef plan not enough

A plan to save Australia's Great Barrier Reef from destruction has been announced as Prime Minister Tony Abbott sought to persuade the United Nations that the World Heritage site was not in....

US and Israel on collision course

US and Israel on collision course

Atriumphant Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to be on a new collision course with Barack Obama after the US President bluntly restated his belief in a Palestinian state and criticised the Israeli leader's election campaign tactics.