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Bryan Gould: Kiwis scoffing at US politics on shaky ground
Many people will agree with the old saying that "all's fair in love and war". Others would add "and politics" - a view that certainly seems to be taken by some politicians.

Trump's swipe at British Muslims
Republican frontrunner claims more British Muslims join Isis than the UK's Armed Forces.

Climate deal 'where work begins'
A global climate change deal has been hailed in New Zealand as a historic step, but scientists and environmentalists say the deal now needs to be backed with action.

Climate deal offers new hope - but what's next?
The word "historic", already being used to describe the just-accepted Paris climate agreement, is more than warranted.

Paul Thomas: Trump rhetoric sideshow to Islam's Isis problem
Statistics show Americans have a far greater chance of being shot dead in shootings perpetrated by their fellow Christian Americans than in terrorist attacks by Muslims, writes Paul Thomas.

Over 2,400 killed in September Saudi hajj stampede, crush
The September stampede during the hajj in Saudi Arabia killed at least 2,411 pilgrims, a new Associated Press count shows.

Donald Trump: Playing by different rules
Trump has continually tested the limits of what a candidate can say and do with apparent political impunity.

Stephen Mills: Fringe politics new world order
NZ appears largely immune from the rise of populism taking hold elsewhere. Or is it? Stephen Mills asks.

Trump 'has disqualified himself'
#TrumpIsDisqualifiedParty: Twitter's push to remove Republican front-runner from White House race is trending worldwide.

Trump has disqualified himself
Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the United States has been met with widespread criticism. Trump has made it clear he doesn't care.

The new face of extremism
She's seen as beautiful and glamorous and she's making hard-right policies seem less toxic to voters.

Paul Thomas: Disregarding the truth works well for candidates
It's a given that plenty of politicians play fast and loose with the truth, especially on the campaign trail, writes Paul Thomas. Trump isn't hyping his policies or exaggerating his opponents' shortcomings, he's slandering an entire community.

Japan's whaling decision 'appalling'
John Key has described Japan's decision to resume whaling in the Southern Ocean as a show of "bad faith".

NZ govt to Japan: 'Stop whaling now'
The New Zealand Government has hit out at Japan's decision to resume Southern Ocean whaling - a move which defies the International Whaling Commission.

Trump a liar, or just plain wrong?
For the media to call him a liar might please those who already dislike Trump, but it doesn't do the media much good. Lying is more complicated than simply stating an untrue fact.

Trump 'mocks reporter with disability'
"The sad part about it is, it didn't in the slightest surprise me that Donald Trump would do something this low-rent."

Editorial: Shared border with Australia a tidy solution
We should welcome Australian Senator Ian Macdonald's goodwill towards improved access to Australian citizenship for New Zealanders.

Trump claims he can predict terrorism
Trump also said bin Laden ultimately would not have been killed in 2011 if the United States did not use waterboarding