Iran's women MPs face battle for parity
The Guardian Council, a constitutional watchdog that vets election candidates, excluded all 16 women seeking one of the assembly's 88 seats.
The Guardian Council, a constitutional watchdog that vets election candidates, excluded all 16 women seeking one of the assembly's 88 seats.
At a few points, the audience booed Clinton and the stances she's taken.
This is why national elections are so fascinating. Every four years, Americans collectively paint and present to the world a picture that communicates their aspirations and fears. It is a picture that enables us to see the character of a nation.
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz teamed up to run an aggressive attack on Trump in the last debate, but were they too late?
COMMENT: The barbarian is no longer at the gate. He's inside the castle and heading for the throne room, writes Paul Thomas.
Jenna Johnson, The Washington Post's lead reporter covering Trump, shares her experiences following the billionaire businessman.
By the time you sit down to eat your turkey this Christmas, Boris Johnson and Donald Trump could lead the English-speaking world, writes Peter Foster.
Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has received boosts in his drive to become the mainstream Republican alternative to Donald Trump.
David Cameron's Cabinet split apart yesterday just minutes after he called a historic in-out referendum on membership of the European Union.
After months of jabbing at each other, Cruz and Rubio shape up for knockout fight.
David Cameron has struggled to overcome resistance to a deal designed to keep Britain in the EU.
There is little downside for Key in supporting Clark. She is still a highly respected and popular figure in New Zealand, writes Audrey Young.
Pope Francis has added the strongest voice yet to a growing chorus of world leaders taking a stand against the celebrity candidate.
NBC and the Wall Street Journal casually tossed a bombshell into the political world with a poll showing Ted Cruz with a slight lead in Republican polling.
New Zealand has lifted its sanctions against Iran after the nuclear deal reached last year.
Prime Minister John Key and his wife, Bronagh, will have a "sleepover" at the private residence of Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
"I continue to have faith in the American people. And I think they realise that being president of the United States is a serious job. It’s not hosting a talk show," Obama said at a news conference in Rancho Mirage, California.
Govt aims to let drug be grown for medical or scientific use, but more change is needed, writes Alex Wodak.
The Turkish government, in league with Saudi Arabia, made a tentative decision to enter the war on the ground in Syria, writes Gwynne Dyer.
The use of sanctions against Russia are a symbolic reminder that the Putin leadership had seriously misread the international situation, writes Robert Patman.
Criminals deported from Australia have been arriving here at the rate of more than one a day since a law managing their return was passed last year.
George W. Bush won a bruising South Carolina presidential primary on his way to the Oval Office, as his father did before him.
Prime Minister rules out sending the SAS to join New Zealand's contribution to the fight against Isis.
Prime Minister John Key is heading to Australia later this week for annual talks with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, including the issue of New Zealanders living in Australia.
The unexpected death of Justice Antonin Scalia has left it deeply divided along ideological lines, much as the US is, writes Karen Tumulty.
In a GOP debate today, Trump said George Bush is partly to blame for 9/11 and that invading Iraq was a mistake.
Many modern feminists fear electing the former first lady will not necessarily advance causes, writes Frances Stead Seller.