Leak leaves stain on NZ's name
Whatever denials the Government makes, NZ will struggle to shake the tax haven tag, reports Hamish Fletcher.
Whatever denials the Government makes, NZ will struggle to shake the tax haven tag, reports Hamish Fletcher.
The question, as always with Trump, is how much he listens to anyone not named Donald J Trump.
COMMENT: The US President holds mankind's fate in his or her hands, which is why we all have a stake in this election, writes Paul Thomas.
The long-held faith in open markets is beginning to fade - and it isn't just political rhetoric, reports Bill Powell.
Swiss police raided the Uefa yesterday about a contract disclosed in the Panama Papers signed by the head of the global football body Fifa.
Democrats turn on each other as Sanders lists Clinton's failures and she rubbishes his policy ideas.
Gunnlaugsson tendered his resignation after leaked files showed that his wife owned an offshore company with links to some of the country's collapsed banks.
Future of GOP frontrunner's campaign likely to hinge on how Trump reacts to second-place finish in Wisconsin.
The moderation and maturity of Muslims in New Zealand was evident once again in their response to the Egyptian initiative.
Bernie Sanders sat down with the New York Daily News editorial board, seeking their endorsement. It did not go well.
The UN isn't going anywhere. It needs someone to run the show so why not Helen Clark? Kiwis should be mature enough to put politics aside at a domestic level in order to see the bigger picture here.
Donald Trump has begun wearing a bulletproof vest following threats and growing violence at rallies, according to sources close to his campaign.
Helen Clark is heading into uncharted territory, entering the first open contest to become the world's most important international diplomat.
Helen Clark's bid for the top job at the UN gets unanimous support from NZ.
The announcement at long last that Helen Clark is a candidate for the post of Secretary-General of the UN is one all NZers can greet with pride.
COMMENT: Few who know Clark would doubt her ability to do the job, and the fact that Clark will be in contention is an incredible achievement, writes Audrey Young.
COMMENT: We must stand up and tell those like Trump who support the cruel, debasing practice that it has no place in the modern world.
Republican front-runner calls himself the "Lone Ranger" and claims he can eliminate US national debt within 8 years in new revealing interview.
COMMENT: In Washington DC, I was a diplomat for a day. I drove down wide boulevards where Secret Service agents paced in cargo pants and tactical vests.
Republican front-runner's poor standing with key voters is a major hurdle in the general election.
Tenacity, competence and caution have been touchstones of Helen Clark's enduring political career.
Both Clinton and Sanders are campaigning heavily in New York, marking the beginning of a potentially long slog through the state.
The prospect of Donald Trump leading the GOP ticket this November is enough to send many Republicans into a defensive crouch/cower.
Prime Minister John Key has just attended a dinner hosted by President Barack Obama in the East Room of the White House.
Despite worldwide shock and indignation, it looks like little Aylan Kurdi's tragic death last summer changed little.
US President Barack Obama welcomes world leaders to Washington today for a summit on nuclear security.
COMMENT: Why did our lame-stream media ignore the Key-Trump meeting? Outlets were quieter than an Eden Park rugby crowd on this astonishing encounter.
Donald Trump came under fire this week for saying that women should be subject to "some sort of punishment" for undergoing illegal abortions.
None of the three remaining Republican presidential candidates would guarantee yesterday that they would support the eventual GOP nominee for president.
BARRY SOPER: If there's even a remote possibility of Clark slipping into the UN's Secretary-General role she'd be into it like a Queensland fruit fly.