$1 billion bill for botched quake repairs
Fixing poorly done earthquake repairs is likely to cost $1 billion
Fixing poorly done earthquake repairs is likely to cost $1 billion
The owner of a $20m beachfront home destroyed by fire wants to help others.
More than 43,000 Aucklanders - and growing - at risk of rising seas under climate change.
A rich-lister is taking on insurance giant IAG to get a fairer deal for fire damaged homes
Former CEO Craig Meller and former banking executive Rob Caprioli miss out.
Many insurance policies don't cover changes to government regulations.
Home insurer IAG says it is still open for new business in Wellington.
Diana Clement: Private health insurance is essential for some and a luxury for others.
A life insurer has hit back at calls by the regulator that commissions need to change.
Market news and opinion.
Premium growth in NZ still higher than OZ for insurance giant IAG.
These were some of the weirdest claims received by Southern Cross last year.
Comment: Many of us never consider what will happen if we are unable to earn a living.
Consumer advocates are predicting a drop in advisers if commissions are banned.
Regulators have blasted the life insurance industry this week so what should consumers do?
Comment: Long-term insurance is not a subject most customers monitor closely.
An academic says 'life insurance is no longer as simple as it used to be.'
COMMENT: The Govt's bringing down the gavel on unethical insurance practices.
Dr Anthony McGrath submitted fake photos of items he claimed to have owned.
Worried about your car breaking down? Here is what you need to think about.
What did corporates give to New Zealand's big financial regulators?
A report on the life insurance industry is expected to be tougher than the banking one.
Sherrilyn suffered from crumbling teeth, hair loss, extreme nausea and tremors...
Pet owners with insurance are set to face an increase from Southern Cross.
COMMENT: Look to Manukau as a safe site for a national art collection.
The Ex-Files: Navigating the financial pitfalls of a relationship breakup.
An Auckland couple were left fuming by a letter from their insurance company.
ACC has released the top 15 sports in terms of injury claim payouts in 2017/18.
Kiwis who have cheated death: Today reporter Derek Cheng tells of his close call.
Summer home-sharing far from catch-free, writes the head of the Insurance Council.