Inland Revenue wants to liquidate aged care business
IRD’s three applications to be heard in the High Court at Hamilton on Monday, May 15.
IRD’s three applications to be heard in the High Court at Hamilton on Monday, May 15.
IRD was found to have breached Richard Parore's rights in a tax law case.
The IRD's investigation found how rich people earn money - and pay less tax.
Opinion: The richest 1 per cent own about a quarter of the country’s financial assets.
The IRD report’s findings are a huge wakeup call about the politics of tax and wealth.
A broad capital gains tax may go some way to address the imbalances in the tax system.
Jenée Tibshraeny says now the debate begins over what to do with the new tax research.
An award-winning "hamburgeria" turned Tapas restaurant and bakery are now in liquidation.
Convicted fraudster Barrie Skinner was the victim of a recent assault.
Covid-19 wage relief subsidies of $199,000 were received during the pandemic height.
'Business was already financially struggling with high overheads and staffing issues.'
Sasha Borissenko presents a tax guide for the self-employed.
IRD appears on a statement of affairs, owed $448,000 as a preferential creditor.
Company got $176,000 in Covid-19 wage subsidies since 2020 but didn't pay tax.
There have now been a total of 11 border arrests.
High inflation, food prices make less dramatic rent increases surprising, landlord says.
Liquidators found no updated financial statements or recently recorded transactions.
Under-declaring income via cash jobs a major issue, IRD says.
To everything, including scams, there is a season.
Application to have liquidators appointed granted by High Court on Thursday.
Immigration 'shambles' blamed as IRD claims more than $200k.
Even the Government money wasn’t enough to keep it going so the owner called it quits.
Troubles hit another builder - just before Christmas.
Two directors of a cleaning company claimed nearly $190k in tax refunds
Crown entities, Auckland Council, national companies and subcontractors on the list.
List of 263 creditors claiming money has been released with the first liquidators' report.
Some of the money McCormick paid back he didn't have the authority to use.
Officials scrambled to find a way to stop the payment going to overseas people.
Sione Pome'e is known for his band, but it's his business venture that got him in trouble.
OPINION: Ex-Treasury official points out 700,000 eligible for the payment didn't get it.